Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that can positively affect your health.   It is made from the seeds of the cocoa tree, and is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet.

Studies show that dark chocolate (not the sugary man made chocolate) can improve your health and lower the risk of heart disease.   

Benefit no.1. It is Very Nutritious

If you buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, then it is actually quite nutritious.  It contains a high amount of soluble fiber and is loaded with minerals.  A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate, with 70–85% cocoa, contains: 

  • 11 grams of fiber
  • 67% of the RDI for iron
  • 58% of the RDI for magnesium
  • 89% of the RDI for copper
  • 98% of the RDI for manganese
  • It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium

Of course, 100 grams (3.5 ounces) is a fairly large amount and is not something you should be consuming daily and most people would not want to eat such large amounts of dark chocolate every day.   Despite that, dark chocolate contains 600 calories, even with moderate amounts of sugar.   This is another reason why dark chocolate should be consumed in moderate amounts.   

The fatty acids in dark chocolate are also excellent. The fats are mostly saturated and monounsaturated, with small amounts of polyunsaturated fats.  The stimulants in chocolate include caffeine and theobromine, but because of the low amounts of these ingredients,  they are unlikely to keep you awake at night.  They are very low when compared to coffee and some soft drinks.

SUMMARY  Quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and it does help to reduce heart disease.   It does contain stimulants, but they are basically nothing when compared to mainstream coffee. 

2. Dark Chocolate is a Powerful Source of Antioxidants

ORAC stands for “oxygen radical absorbance capacity.” It is a measure of the antioxidant activity of foods.   Basically, researchers set a bunch of free radicals (bad) against a sample of a food and see how well the antioxidants in the food can neutralize the radicals.   Some scientists have questioned the biological relevance of ORAC, because it is a figure that is determined through a test-tube type measurement that would not be exactly the same as measuring ORAC data and it’s effect inside the body.    Despite this objection, raw, unprocessed cocoa beans, do score the highest ORAC scores of any food that has been tested.   Dark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds that function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols and catechins.   Studies have shown that cocoa and dark chocolate had more antioxidant contents than any other fruits tested, which included blueberries  and acai berries (2).

Blueberries were once considered to be the highest in antioxidants until dark chocolate and cocoa were measured for antioxidants.


Cocoa/dark chocolate has a wider variety and more powerful amount of antioxidants than does any other food that has been tested.   They have considerably more than most of the common food that we eat everyday. 

3. Dark 

Chocolate improves Blood Flow and Lowers Blood Pressure

The flavanols in dark chocolate can stimulate the endothelium, the lining of arteries, to produce nitric oxide (NO) (3Trusted Source).   One of the functions of Nitric Oxide (NO) is to send signals to the arteries to relax, which lowers the resistance to blood flow and therefore reduces blood pressure.  Though many studies have shown that cocoa and dark chocolate do improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, its effects are usually quite mild (4 Trusted source , 5  Trusted Source , 6 Trusted Source , 7 Trusted Source ).  One study in people with high blood pressure showed no substantial effect, so take this with a grain of salt (8 Trusted Source ).  Nevertheless, increased blood flow throughout the body, has many benefits including more healthy skin, more efficient brain function, more effective body organs and other benefits that have still not been determined.

Benefit No.4. Raises HDL and Protects LDL From Oxidation

Consuming dark chocolate improves several important risk factors for heart disease.  In a controlled study, cocoa powder was found to significantly decrease oxidized LDL cholesterol in men. It also increased HDL and lowered total LDL for those people with high cholesterol (9 Trusted Source ).  Oxidized LDL means that the LDL (“bad” cholesterol) has reacted with free radicals.  This makes the LDL particle itself reactive and capable of damaging other tissues, such as the lining of the arteries in your heart.  (This is in effect what sugar does to damage the artery walls within the body.)    It makes sense then that cocoa and dark chocolate can lower the oxidized LDL in a person’s blood stream.   Dark Chocolate contains an abundance of powerful antioxidants that pass into the blood or the bloodstream and protect the body’s lipoproteins against oxidative damage (10 Trusted Source , 11 Trusted Source , 12  Trusted Source ).  

Dark chocolate (with much less sugar content) can reduce insulin resistance, which is vital for combating diseases, especially heart disease and diabetes (13  Trusted Source, 14 Trusted Source ).   This alone,  is a good reason to add dark chocolate to your weekly food menu. 


Dark chocolate improves the body’s ability to resist heart disease and diabetes as well as other diseases.  It reduces the chance of LDL cholesterol to oxidative damage which can in turn damage body tissues.  It increases HDL cholesterol and improves insulin sensitivity. 

Benefit No. 5. It May Reduce Heart Disease Risk

The compounds in dark chocolate appear to be highly protective against the oxidation of LDL.  In the long term, this should cause much less cholesterol to lodge in the arteries or to cause the tiny lacerations in the arteries which result in lower risk of heart disease.   In fact, several long-term observational studies show a fairly drastic improvement.  In a study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by a whopping 50% over a 15 year period (15 Trusted Source ).

Another study revealed that eating dark chocolate two or more times per week lowered the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%. Eating dark chocolate less frequently than two times per week, had no effect (16 Trusted Source ).  Yet another study showed that eating dark chocolate more than 5 times per week lowered the risk of heart disease by 57% (17 Trusted Source ).  Of course, these three studies are observational studies, and unfortunately cannot be proven that dark chocolate was the specific ingredient that reduced the risk of heart disease.  Nevertheless,  since the biological process of how dark chocolate can reduce the oxidation of LDL Cholesterol, it is very plausible to believe that eating dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart disease.

Benefit No. 6. It can Protect Your Skin From the Sun

The bioactive compounds in dark chocolate may also be great for your skin.  The flavonols can protect against sun damage, improve blood flow to the skin and increase skin density and hydration (18 Trusted Source ).  The minimal erythemal dose (MED) is the minimum amount of UVB rays required to cause redness in the skin 24 hours after exposure.  In one study of 30 people, the MED more than doubled (meaning the skin could endure twice as much sunlight) after consuming dark chocolate high in flavanols for 12 weeks (19 Trusted Source ).  It would seem that eating dark chocolate before going on a beach vacation, might be a good consideration.   


Studies show that the anti-oxidants, flavanols and other ingredients in cocoa and dark chocolate can help protect the skin from sun damage.

7. Could Improve Brain Function

More good news about eating dark chocolate and cocoa is that it can improve the function of your brain.   One study of healthy volunteers eating high-flavanol cocoa for five days, showed that the blood flow to the brain was improved and thus made the brain more effective.  (20 Trusted Source).

Cocoa and dark chocolate, though not proven indisputably,  does significantly improve cognitive brain function in people with mental impairment such as brain fog and dementia. It may improve verbal fluency that come with age.l (21Trusted Source).

Additionally, cocoa contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which may be a key reason why it can improve brain function in the short term (22 Trusted Source).


Cocoa or dark chocolate may improve brain function by increasing blood flow. It also contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine.

The Bottom Line

There is considerable evidence that dark chocolate and cocoa can provide powerful health benefits, such improved brain function and lower susceptibility to heart disease.  This does not mean that you should immediately begin consuming huge amounts of chocolate everyday as most chocolate is loaded with artery-damaging man made sugar.   Specifically, eating small amounts daily of dark Chocolate with low amounts of sugar is what we are recommending.     

Maybe have a square or two after dinner.  If you really want to benefit from the health benefits of Cocoa and Hot Chocolate, then consider making cocoa without the sugar and calories in chocolate (without any cream or sugar) and consuming that.   Also, we would ask you to be aware that most of  the chocolate on the market is not healthy nor beneficial.   Choose quality quality beneficial dark chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa content.   Dark chocolates are known to contain some sugar, but the amounts are much smaller and typically, the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it will contain.   Please do not think that consuming wonderfully tasting chocolate is healthy; to many people, dark chocolate does not taste wonderful.  Nevertheless, dark chocolate and cocoa have significant health benefits and provide more antioxidants than any other known foods.  Dark Chocolate can be purchased at most grocery stores.  

Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body.   It is the major component of connective tissues that make up several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles  (1Collagen: The Fibrous Proteins of the Matrix – Molecular Cell Biology).   Collagen has many important functions, including providing your skin with structure and strengthening your bones.   There are sixteen types of collagen.   They are all beneficial to your body, but not in the same ways.   However, collagens 1 through 4 comprise almost all of the needs of the human body.  In recent years, collagen supplements have become popular. Most of the collagins have been hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down, placed into supplements or put into gel caps, making it easier for the body to absorb.   That being said, the best way to obtain collagen, is from foods that provide collagen making ingredients which your body can manipulate into the types of collagen that you need. 

1. Collagen Can improve skin health

Collagen is a major component of your skin.  It plays a role in strengthening skin, plus it benefits elasticity and hydration of the skin. As a person ages, their body produces less collagen, leading to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.   No wants these wrinkles that are associated with aging, but never has there been a way to opt out of wrinkly skin.  Recently, however, there have been several studies that show that collagen peptides can slow down the aging of skin and even reduce wrinkles and dryness which are associated with aging skin. In one study, women who took a supplement containing 2.5–5 grams of collagen for 8 weeks experienced less skin dryness and a significant increase in skin elasticity than did women who did not take any collagen supplements. Another study found that women who drank a beverage mixed with a collagen supplement on a daily basis for 12 weeks,  experienced increased skin hydration and a significant reduction in wrinkles, than did the control group.  It is important to remember that the wrinkle-reducing effects have only come when the body is stimulated into producing its own collagen.  Additionally,  collagen supplements help the body produce collagen proteins that help structure the skin making it appear healthy.   Such proteins include “elastin and fibrillin”.   


There are also many anecdotal claims that collagen supplements help prevent acne and other skin conditions, but these are not supported by scientific evidence as of this article.

2. Helps relieve joint pain

Collagen helps maintain the integrity of your cartilage, which is the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.  When the amount of collagen in your body decreases as you get older, your risk of joint disorders such as osteoarthritis increases.   Some studies have shown that taking collagen supplements may help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduce joint pain overall.  In one study, 73 athletes who consumed 10 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks, experienced a significant decrease in joint pain compared to a control group that did not take it.    In a third study, adults were given 2 grams of collagen per day for 70 days. Those who took collagen had a significant reduction in joint pain and were more able to engage in physical activity than were those who did not take it.   Researchers have theorized that supplemental collagen may accumulate in cartilage areas and then when needed, they are used to stimulate your tissues to produce needed collagen proteins.  They have suggested that collagen supplements can reduce inflammation, reduce break down in joint tissues and ultimately reduce joint pain. If you want to try taking a collagen supplement for its potential pain-relieving effects, studies suggest you should start with a daily dosage of 8–12 grams.  

Collagen’s other benefits:  

According to a study completed on May 5, 2020 – Collagen has been labeled as a protein that  provides the structure of much of the human body, including bones, skin, tendons, and ligaments. 

Collagen can reduce internal inflammation.    

Relieve  joint pain such as that caused by arthritis.

provide facial skin support to prevent wrinkles and dry skin

provide bone support and bone density 

provide bone cartilage to prevent joint pain and osteoporosis

Collagen Strengthens the muscles and tendons which helps prevent sore muscles.

People ask  –  What is the best source of collagen?

Food sources of collagen include the following:    

  • Fish.
  • Chicken.
  • Egg whites.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Berries.
  • Red and yellow vegetables.
  • Garlic.
  • White tea.
  • Bovine and Marine Collagen

What is bovine collagen?

Collagen is naturally produced by your body, but you can also obtain it from foods and supplements.

Most supplements are derived from a variety of animal and plant sources, the most common of which are bovine animals, pigs, and marine species like fish, jellyfish, and sponges. Less common sources include genetically modified yeast and bacteria ).

Bovine species include yak, antelope, bison, water buffalo, and cows — but bovine collagen comes primarily from cows.

According to Psychology Today collagen can help you lose weight. 

Are There Benefits to Collagen Supplements? -According to the The New York Times – Collagen can make you lose weight.    Researchers concluded that gelatin increases satiety for body tissues, which can lead to reduced desires to eat and increase energy intake, thereby promoting weight loss. To put this into simple terms, collagen protein promotes fullness and keeps our body feeling satisfied longer after a meal .Mar 17, 2018   

Collagen Components:   Collagen is a protein made up of amino-acids, which are built of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Collagen contains specific amino acids – Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine. Collagen makes up 30% of the proteins within the body    .Jun 5, 2019

The Collagen Killers

Death By Free Radicals

According to Skin Inc. free radicals are charged with oxygen particles that enter into destructive chemical bonds with organic substances such as proteins. This results in oxidation.  Exposure to free radicals in the environment, such as air pollution, the ultraviolet light from the sun , and contaminants in the water, can lead to the destruction of collagen.   One way to fight free radical damage to collagen is to give yourself more collagen for the inside of the body to reduce inflammation and thus allows the body to more resources to fight oxidants.  Additionally give your body more collagen to strengthen the skin, which protects the body from the outside. You should increase the intake of vitamin C, because vitamin c is a necessary component of collagen synthesis.    Finally you should check the ingredients of your skincare products, to ensure that they deliver a stable and consistent dose of antioxidants directly into your skin.  Make sure they are not loaded with parabens and silver nitrates.   These small adjustments can have huge effects on your health. 

Death By Sun Exposure

Sunlight can be one of the worst enemies of collagen.  It’s UV light can harm collagen fibroblasts. Long-term sun exposure can erode collagen components such as elastin and thus breakdown collagen faster than normal.  Though some say you should protect your skin by applying a  broad-spectrum type of sunscreen.  Some say using a moisturizer with SPF every morning will help protect you from UV rays.  However, you should also be careful that the sunscreen and moisturizer that you are using, is not a source of contaminating oxidants.   

Death By Smoking

Smoking is one of the most effective ways you can damage your skin both inside and outside.  Smokers can be identified with wrinkly sagging dry skin.   The best way to fix this is to “not” smoke. It is not only bad for about every part of your body, it is especially bad for the collagen in your skin.  Smoking destroys collagen and elastin and decreases estrogen, which helps keep skin firm.  Frankly, if you are a smoker, then let this be another reason besides early death, to just quit.   If you are not a smoker, don’t start and don’t breathe second hand smoke either. 

Death By Dehydration

Dehydration leads to oxidative stress and dry skin.   Without water, the body can’t produce collagen to repair the skin.  When skin is not repaired, it less able to prevent the entrance of more free radicals.   Ensure your collagen is safe by drinking enough water and if needed,use a moisturizer that infuses skin with moisture while strengthening the skin’s barrier to keep moisture in the skin.

Death By Sugar

Man-made granulated sugar is a poison that can cause high blood sugar and can cause collagen glycation, which results in a lumpy skin appearance.  Collagen supplements are complex proteins; they provide healthy proteins that can combine with amino acids to synthesize collagen. 

Death By Squinting

Finally, some people believe that constant squinting at the sun can cause damage to the skin which results in crows feet around the eyes. There is no evidence nor any studies that were found to support this conclusion. › the-collagen-killers

Unlike many other supplements on the market, collagen has actually been proven to help with weight loss and reducing body fat! Collagen can help with not only weight loss, but improving skin texture, reducing inflammation and improving GI health.Aug 15, 2019

Can Collagen Peptides Help Me Lose Weight?

Best time to take collagen

Collagen is readily available now days.  Studies show that it is equally effective whether taken in the morning or taken at night.   You can take it during the dayk with the food you eat.  It is all effective.   Perhaps the best way to take collagen is in a protein shake that will help keep you full longer so that you are less likely to snack during the day. Some people believe that taking collagen at night is  more effective because the body repairs itself at night while we sleep.  This is only theory with no actual proof, However, whether you take it with or without food, or in the morning or late at night, it seems to be equally effective.   The important thing is that you’re taking collagen routinely— and enhancing your health. 

Is Beer Beneficial for Good Health?

Is Beer Beneficial for Good Health?

Some of the benefits given to support the case that beer consumed in moderation, can be healthy are:

1. Beer is more nutritious than other alcoholic drinks. …

2. Beer can help protect your heart. …

3. Beer cleans and restores skin and prevents acne

4. Beer helps prevent kidney stones. …

5. Beer lowers bad cholesterol. …

6. Beer strengthens your bones. …

7. Beer helps reduce stress. …

8. Beer may help improve memory. …

9. Beer helps cognitive function.

10. It contributes to our daily nutrient intake.

11. It may lower your risk of diabetes.

12. It may make your heart healthier.

13. It may build stronger bones.

14. It may boost brain power.

15. It cleans your teeth.

16. It may reduce inflammation.

17. It may help you live longer.

I decided to investigate each of these claims to determine if these claims were put forth by people who are partial to beer or submitted based on adequate research.   

I learned that hops, yeast, and grains in beer contribute carbohydrates and only a small amount of B vitamins, and potassium.   You can get a higher percentage of your recommended daily allowance of these nutrients by eating vegetables.  That does eliminate all of the reasons for drinking beer.   There are other reasons.  Of course most people know that drinking too much beer is bad for you, while eating too many vegetables doesn’t hurt a person at all.   Conversely, “Heavy beer consumption wipes out any beer drinking health benefit and makes a person’s health even worse.   It increases the risk of liver cancer, cirrhosis, and obesity,” Rimm says. Aug 18, 2014  

 Drinking too much beer is definitely harmful to your brain, your liver, and your obesity factor.   So, if you decide to go for the benefits of drinking beer, you want to ensure yourself that you will drink no more than 16 oz of beer per day if you are a man and no more than 12 ounces per day if you are a woman.   To ensure that your drinking remains moderate, you should make sure that no one in your family has an addiction, or propensity for drinking, otherwise you could get caught in the same addictive trap.  


Lets start with the heart benefits of drinking.   The alcohol mixed with water is good for disinfecting and cleaning your blood stream and digestive system.   The bad cholesterol and other sludge that somehow makes its way into your arteries can be cleaned out of your system via beer.    This is the claim.   That is the one thing that perhaps the consumption of vegetables can’t do as well as beer can do.   For example, the toxins in the air include aluminum, which can get into your system and can begin weakening your brain bringing the onset of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and poor memory.   Studies show that consuming moderate amounts of beer can substantially reduce brain declination.  Beer, according to some studies, can help stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia. Drinking beer moderately (the key word here is moderately) can help to flush damaging compounds from your brain such as aluminum salts.


A study presented by the American Heart Association showed that moderate beer drinkers actually had slower declines in good cholesterol than those who didn’t drink beer at all. A slower decline in good cholesterol is a positive thing, since you want to have more good cholesterol and less bad cholesterol for optimal health. Just don’t pair your beer with too much bad food.

Beer is Nutritious

Depending on the type, your beer could contain folate, B vitamins, selenium, and potassium. Folate and selenium are relatively rare, as nutrients go, and many Americans don’t get enough of them. Beer can actually help prevent a deficiency!

Heart Disease

Excessive drinking has long been tied with an increased risk of heart disease, but according to a 2003 study, drinking small amounts of beer was associated with a decreased risk of arteriosclerosis, which is a risk factor for heart disease.

Acne and Healthy skin

Another benefit of drinking beer is that it can reduce acne.   Acne is caused by bacteria, inflammation, and clogged pores. … Drinking beer doesn’t eliminate acne. It also doesn’t directly worsen the condition as many people have thought.  What it does is alter hormone levels in your body that can reduce acne development.   At the same time, beer is a good cleanser and helps dissolve dead skin cells, and increase the elasticity of the skin.   Beer does this by balancing the skin’s pH levels while it cleanses  the skin.  Some research has shown that it brings about a natural glow to the skin via this cleansing and the adding of elasticity.  This is a benefit of beer that you can’t get as easily from vegetables.  Aug 4, 2017 


Beer can help reduce osteoporosis.   It doesn’t have the calcium that milk can provide, but it can actually help produce healthy, strong bones. The National Institutes of Health says that orthosilicic acid found in beer, can help reduce your risk of osteoporosis. And, luckily for beer drinkers, orthosilicic acid is found in almost all beer.  Orthosilicic acid prevents the absorption of calcium by the body, which often is absorbed from the bones.   Additionally, Orthosilicic acid helps to draw aluminum from the brain, which helps reduce the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.   Having made this argument, it might also be stated that adding calcium to your daily diet can be almost as  effective as drinking beer, except for the reduction of aluminum in the brain.

It reduces your risk of stroke

According to Harvard’s Nutrition Source website, moderate drinking could be preventative against heart disease and certain types of stroke.   But, in a slightly less fun turn of events, studies show that more than four drinks a day and you’ll significantly increase your risk of stroke.

Kidney Stone Relief

Beer lowers the risk of kidney stones, which is also a benefit of the Orthoselicic acid which prevents the absorption of calcium from the bones that can later be filtered out of the blood stream and accumulated in the kidneys causing Kidney stones.   Last year (2019), a study suggested that the risk of developing kidney stones decreases with increasing beer consumption. … The study’s authors noted that both the water and alcohol found in beer are shown to increase urine flow and dilute urine and thereby reduce the risk of stones forming from other impurities. Jun 15, 2017

According to research conducted in Finland, beer can help protect men from ever having to pass kidney stones. Their results showed a 40 percent decrease in risk while consuming one bottle of beer each day.

Losing Weight

Beer has been given the credit for helping people to lose weight.   However, most people know that excessive drinking can cause people to gain weight, but moderate drinking can reduce inflammation within the body which can also reduce the desire to eat more and thus reduce the amount of food a person eats. Mar 5, 2017

Does beer make you sleepy?

Although alcohol’s sedative effects can make you drowsy, they also have other effects that can interfere with quality sleep. … Alcohol’s sedative quality can rob you of energy in another way. Drinking wine, beer, or hard liquor during the day can make you feel drowsy or lethargic.  Again if done in moderation, drinking beer can actually add energy and interest while reducing apprehension and thus people do more things and use more energy.

Does beer increase your libido? 

 Again according to science, Beer in moderation will increase your libido. This is because the ethanol in beer stimulates a primitive part of your brain called the hypothalamus, which is located right above your brain stem.  This causes both men and women to have an increased desire for sex.  Oct 1,   2014

Does beer make you happier?

Everyone knows that it can make you feel happy and at the same time, you might look goofy to your observers.   Research supports this — according to one recent study, a chemical in beer works to release happy hormones in your brain.  by Taboola Sponsored Links

It boosts your self-esteem

The same study that shows that beer makes you happy, also shows that beer enhances your esteem.   A significant boost in a person’s self-esteems is enough to change the outcome of a person’s life.  If the need to have your self-esteem enhanced becomes great enough, that can lead to addiction and must be considered when questioning the effects of beer.   Again, the best method is to use beer in moderation.  Beer, in this case, can help you feel better short-term. 

It lowers your risk of diabetes

Could a beer a day keep diabetes away? Research conducted at Harvard showed that among a group of men who rarely drank, drinking one to two beers a day actually made them healthier. The beer reduced their risk of Type 2 diabetes by just over 40%.

It’s good for your eyesight

According to a study from the American Chemical Society, beer (in moderation) can help prevent cataracts.

It has Antioxidants

You know that wine has powerful antioxidants that come from grapes — but did you know beer has cancer-fighting compounds, as well? The hops used to brew most beers contain prenylated flavonoids, a type of antioxidant known to have various disease-fighting qualities. Some studies show that hops could help ease damaging inflammation.

It could help with a workout recovery

Rewarding yourself with a beer after a grueling workout could actually be a good call — not only for your mood but also for your health. Beer itself is dehydrating, so make sure you pair your beer with a glass or two of water. But the carbohydrates and electrolytes in beer are exactly what your body needs after a tough sweat. Those benefits dissipate if you don’t hydrate well enough, though. While one post-workout beer could do some good, three post-workout beers is probably not a good idea.


Readers may expect me to declare beer as harmful and no way healthful.   After looking at the evidence carefully and skeptically, I have determined that my declaration to my readers is that beer which is consumed in one to two bottles per day is not harmful and may be very beneficial.   Beer consumed at levels greater than this actually does harm to a person’s health.   With that being said, make your own decision as to whether you will drink some or none.  You can live without it and you can live better with it if you do it in moderation.  

Organic certified food – is it worth the extra premium?

Organic certified food – is it worth the extra premium?

USDA Requirements for Organic Foods

What does the “organic” certification mean?   What benefits does certified organic foods provide the customer?    Organic foods are supposed to be safer, healthier, and have less harmful chemicals than other produce.     Supposedly, the certification process involves selecting the right seeds and growing them in uncontaminated soil.   It further certifies that the soil cannot have had any chemicals/herbicides added to it in the past three years. It means no unnatural substances can be added to the soil for the past three years.   It means that the seeds planted must not be GMO seeds. It means that weed herbicides and pesticides must not be added in with the seeds during planting. Seeds must not be soaked in chemicals and chemicals must not be added to the irrigation water.   Even beyond that, certification demands that organically grown plants must not be allowed to co-mingle with other nonorganically certified produce. Finally, it requires that organic food producers must have detailed record-keeping that can establish adherence to the requirements from start to finish. 

The second part of this is that there must be verification of adherence to the USDA requirements.   Do people really believe that inspectors are ensuring that all rules are followed? Who is checking to see that organic foods are grown and processed according to federal guidelines including analyzing the soil quality, checking the feed for the animals, and avoiding pest and weed chemical control? Organic producers are expected to rely on natural substances and methods that allow for physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming control methods, but they all know that chemical control is easier.   

Even when a producer has no choice but to use a synthetic substance to achieve a specific purpose, the substance must first be approved according to criteria that examine its effects on human health and the environment.   In other words, a farmer must get permission so to speak from the FDIC. 

Milk and Meat Production 

As for organic meat, regulations require that animals are raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviors (like the ability to graze on pasture), and that they are fed 100% organic feed and forage.  They must not be fed or administered antibiotics and/ or hormones. However, when the milk truck comes and loads up the milk from the barn bulk tank and then goes and does the same at several other farms, how can anyone tell which part of the milk in a bulk tank came from which farmer. The milk from several farmers is all added to the bulk tank on the truck and is mixed together molecularly as the truck drives from one dairy farm to another. If one farmer does not adhere to the USDA rules as well as another, would you un-certify the whole liquid truckload of milk, even though other dairy farms were strict in compliance with the USDA rules?

Processed Multi-ingredient Foods

Processed,  multi-ingredient foods, must not contain artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors and require that their ingredients are organic, with some minor exceptions. For example, processed organic foods may contain some approved non-agricultural ingredients, like enzymes in yogurt, pectin in fruit jams, or baking soda in baked goods.

When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” this means they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. The remaining non-organic ingredients are produced without using prohibited practices (genetic engineering, for example) but can include substances that would not otherwise be allowed in 100% organic products. “Made with organic” products will not bear the USDA organic seal, but, as with all other organic products, must still identify the USDA-accredited certifier. You can look for the identity of the certifier on a packaged product that meets USDA’s organic standards.   However, it might be noted that according to an unnamed source at a grocery store meat department, the USDA still allows pink slime to be added to the organic meat. An individual must decide if he/she thinks that it is acceptable.

As with all organic foods, none of it is grown or handled using genetically modified organisms, which the organic standards expressly prohibit. (see “Organic 101: What Organic Farming (and Processing) Doesn’t Allow”).

According to the USDA,  there are many marketing claims that add value to foods, but consumers can be assured that USDA organic products are verified organic at all steps between the farm and the store.   IS this marketing propaganda? It would take many inspectors to verify that all farm produce is or was produced according to Organic regulations every minute of its production. 

One farmer said this: Of course, you realize that because idiot consumers demanded that the government get involved with the definition and certification policy, and the government has a one-size-fits-all mentality, and the one-size that the government serves best is the mega-industrial size, that small farmers who do not have on-staff lawyers and CPAs cannot become “certified organic” without spending a double-digit percentage share of their annual revenue to satisfy this bloated process.

As it stands right now, “organic” is used mainly by the same industrial ag- outfits as a marketing tool.  When in reality consumers are buying what they originally were trying to get away from by choosing organic food.   They are being deceived by the USDA, because they have been given full control in making the rules and guidelines for organic foods, but no one is checking on the USDA to prevent them from exploiting this guideline-making power. 

common cents

Mar 28, 2012 – Certified farmer

Yep the USDA. They sure have kept our food supply safe and healthy over the past 30 years (sarcasm).   The USDA allows marketers to add ‘pink slime’ in their ground beef.   Let’s talk about the USDA and the corporate ‘dairies they license. No one can keep track of where milk comes from including the USDA.   The USDA allows carrageenan to be added to infant formula for crying out loud. It’s a bowel irritant. Anyone can write a list of standards, but no one is honest about how or whether or not the rules can be enforced. (corrections have been made to the written version by the farmer)

Another comment by a farmer:

USDA is not serious enough about organic agriculture as is evident by the limits for cost-sharing as opposed to what can be received as a conventional producer. This is blatant discrimination. There are also not enough staff who are knowledgeable or want to work with organic producers. We need to be thinking ahead a few decades to when the oil, water and natural fertilizer run out. How do we farm then?  Organic production in this country needs to be ramped up significantly and taught extensively. Our future food security and millions of starving people are at stake in the coming decades. I can produce enough food on 20 acres to feed 100 families easily with organic production. I am also building soil carbon and helping reduce greenhouse gases. Then we here Hollywood talk. Why not put some folks from Rodale drive on the staff of The USDA to balance out the number of ex-Monsanto employees working there? USDA is more about production these days than about sustainability.


Organic Certification is much better than nothing at all, but it is not exactly what people have been led to believe.   It may help consumers avoid some harmful substances, but it does not protect them from all bad substances and practices.   Each individual must decide for himself if organics is actually worth the extra premiums they are paying for food. The actual best answer to food contamination is to produce your own food in your own greenhouse.   How many people can do that?

Metoprolol – is it right for you?

Metoprolol – is it right for you?

Metoprolol – is it right for you?

While checking out of the hospital, after having a stent inserted, one of the medications that I was prescribed was Metoprolol.    I really did not know the reason that it was prescribed as my heart rate was very low at or near 49 beats per minute. Nevertheless, I followed the instructions.  My hands and feet were cold. I had nauseating feelings and felt near-fainting a few times. I had stomach aches and pains. Of course, I had no libido. I wondered just how important this drug was to my regaining heart fitness, so I did my research. 

The instructions warned that I should not quit taking this medicine abruptly as it could cause even more severe heart reactions.   I accidentally missed taking it one day, and I mentioned to my wife that I felt much better today. I went home and saw my pill organizer and noticed that I had not taken my pills for the day.   I quickly took the baby aspirin and the prasugrel, but I opted from that point on not to take the Metoprolol. All of the stomach aches, cold feet and hands, and nausea went away and did not return.   These are just the things that I noticed, but when I looked up the side effects, I realized that I had had many more of the side effects than I thought. I have listed the following side effects and put notations after the ones that I experienced.   The comforting thought here is that I did not experience all of these side effects. I Have listed all the official data on Metoprolol. Please take a look if you have been prescribed this drug. 

Metoprolol Common Side Effects

Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur:

Blurred vision  – Yes I had had this side effect, but I did not relate it to taking Metoprolol.

chest pain or discomfort – I had had this as well, but thought that it was because of my recent medical treatment.

Confusion – YES

dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position -YES

slow or irregular heartbeat  – Possibly, but not certain of this. 


unusual tiredness or weakness  – YES

Less common

Bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet

Cough  – YES

decreased urine output

difficult or labored breathing

difficulty with speaking

dilated neck veins

disturbed color perception

double vision

fast, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse

halos around lights – YES

Headache – YES

inability to move the arms, legs, or facial muscles

inability to speak

irregular breathing

loss of vision

night blindness

noisy breathing

overly bright appearance of lights

pain, tension, and weakness upon walking that subsides during periods of rest

paleness or cold feeling in the fingertips and toes – yes

seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there

short-term memory loss

slow speech

swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs

tightness in the chest – YES

tingling of the hands or feet – YES

tingling or pain in the fingers or toes when exposed to cold temperatures – YES

troubled breathing

tunnel vision

unusual weight gain or loss


Bluish color of the skin of the fingers or toes


clay-colored stools

continuing loss of appetite

continuing or severe abdominal or stomach pain -YES

dark urine

difficulty with moving

Fever – Possibly

general tiredness and weakness


increased frequency of urination

itching skin

light-colored stools

lower back or side pain

muscle pain or stiffness – YES

numbness of the fingers or toes

pain, swelling, or redness in the joints


sore throat – YES

sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth

unpleasant breath odor

unusual bleeding or bruising

upper right abdominal or stomach pain

vomiting of blood


yellow eyes and skin

Black, tarry stools

bleeding gums

blood in the urine or stools

burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, “pins and needles”, or tingling feelings

cool, sweaty skin

pinpoint red spots on the skin

Get emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms of overdose occur:

Symptoms of overdose

Bluish color of the fingernails, lips, skin, palms, or nail beds

change in consciousness

loss of consciousness

no blood pressure or pulse

stopping of the heart

very drowsy or sleepy

Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:

Less common


bloated feeling

decreased interest in sexual intercourse – YES

difficulty having a bowel movement


dry mouth

excess air or gas in stomach or bowels – YES

feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings

feeling of fullness

feeling of indigestion

feeling sad or empty

inability to have or keep an erection – YES


loss in sexual ability, desire, drive, or performance

loss of interest or pleasure

Nightmares – YES

pain in the chest below the breastbone

passing gas 

redness or other discoloration of the skin

runny nose – YES

sensation of spinning


stuffy nose


trouble concentrating

trouble sleeping

Bone pain

continuing ringing or buzzing or other unexplained noise in the ears

dry eyes

hair loss or thinning of the hair

hearing loss

increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight

pain in the penis on erection

severe sunburn

Incidence not known

Change in taste or bad, unusual, or unpleasant (after) taste

fear or nervousness

hives or welts

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What is Metoprolol?

Metoprolol is a beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins).  It is used as a treatment for Angina and Hypertension(High blood pressure). It is especially used to lower the risk of a heart attack due to a heart attack.

Important Information

You should not use metoprolol if you have a serious heart problem (heart block, sick sinus syndrome, slow heart rate), severe circulation problems, severe heart failure, or a history of slow heart-beats that caused fainting.

Before taking this medicine

You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to metoprolol, or other beta-blockers such as Atenolol, Carvedilol, Labeteal, Nadolol, Nebivolol, Propranolol, Sotalol), or if you have:

  • a serious heart problem such as heart block, sick sinus syndrome, or slow heart rate;
  • severe circulation problems;
  • severe heart failure (that required you to be in the hospital); or
  • a history of slow heartbeats that have caused you to faint.

To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known whether metoprolol will harm an unborn baby. However, having high blood pressure during pregnancy may cause complications such as diabetes or eclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure that can lead to medical problems in both mother and baby). The benefit of treating hypertension may outweigh any risks to the baby.

Ask a doctor before using this medicine if you are breast-feeding. Metoprolol can pass into breast milk and may cause dry skin, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, or slow heartbeats in your baby.

How should I take metoprolol?

Take metoprolol exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose.

Metoprolol should be taken with a meal or just after a meal.

Take the medicine at the same time each day.

Swallow the capsule whole and do not crush, chew, break, or open it.

A Toprol XL tablet can be divided in half if your doctor has told you to do so. Swallow the half-tablet whole, without chewing or crushing.

Measure liquid medicine carefully. Use the dosing syringe provided, or use a medicine dose-measuring device (not a kitchen spoon).

You will need frequent medical tests, and your blood pressure will need to be checked often.

If you need surgery, tell the surgeon ahead of time that you are using this medicine.

You should not stop using this medicine suddenly. Stopping suddenly may make your condition worse.

If you have high blood pressure, keep using metoprolol even if you feel well. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. You may need to use this medicine for the rest of your life.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Metoprolol injection is given as an infusion into a vein. A healthcare provider will give you this injection in a medical setting where your heart and blood pressure can be monitored. Metoprolol injections are given for only a short time before switching you to the oral form of this medicine.



Metroprolol – is it right for you?

While checking out of the hospital, after having a stent inserted, one of the medications that I was prescribed was Metroprolol.    I really did not know th reason that it was prescribed as my heart rate was very low at or near 70 beats or less per minute and as low as 49 beats per minute.   Nevertheless, I followed the instructions. My hands and feet were cold. I had nauseating feelings and felt at or near fainting a few times. I had stomach aches and pains.  Of course, I had no libido. I wondered just how important this drug was to my regaining heart fitness, so I did my research. 

The instructions warned that I should not quit taking this medicine abruptly as it could cause even more severe heart reactions.   I accidentally missed taking it one day, and I mentioned to my wife that I felt much better today. I went home and saw my pill organizer and noticed that I had not taken my pills for the day.   I quickly took the baby asperin and the prasugrel, but I opted from that point on not to take the Metroprolol. All of the stomach achs, cold feet, cold hands and nausea, went away and did not return.   These are just the things that I noticed, but when I looked up the side effects, I realized that I had had many more of the side effects than I thought. I have listed the following side effects and put notations after the ones that I experienced.   The comforting thought here is that I did not experience all of these side effects. I Have listed all the official data on Metroprolol. Please take a look if you have been prescribed this drug. 

Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur:

Metoprolol Common Side Effects

Blurred vision  – Yes I had had this side effect, but I did not relate it to taking Metroproplol.

chest pain or discomfort – I had had this as well, but thought that it was because of my recent medical treatment.

Confusion – YES

dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position -YES

slow or irregular heartbeat  – Possibly


unusual tiredness or weakness  – YES

Less common

Bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet

Cough  – YES

decreased urine output

difficult or labored breathing

difficulty with speaking

dilated neck veins

disturbed color perception

double vision

fast, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse

halos around lights – YES

Headache – YES

inability to move the arms, legs, or facial muscles

inability to speak

irregular breathing

loss of vision

night blindness

noisy breathing

overly bright appearance of lights

pain, tension, and weakness upon walking that subsides during periods of rest

paleness or cold feeling in the fingertips and toes

seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there

short-term memory loss

slow speech

swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs

tightness in the chest – YES

tingling of the hands or feet – YES

tingling or pain in the fingers or toes when exposed to cold temperatures – YES

troubled breathing

tunnel vision

unusual weight gain or loss


Bluish color of the skin of the fingers or toes


clay-colored stools

continuing loss of appetite

continuing or severe abdominal or stomach pain -YES

dark urine

difficulty with moving

Fever – Possibly

general tiredness and weakness


increased frequency of urination

itching skin

light-colored stools

lower back or side pain

muscle pain or stiffness – YES

numbness of the fingers or toes

pain, swelling, or redness in the joints


sore throat – YES

sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth

unpleasant breath odor

unusual bleeding or bruising

upper right abdominal or stomach pain

vomiting of blood


yellow eyes and skin

Black, tarry stools

bleeding gums

blood in the urine or stools

burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, “pins and needles”, or tingling feelings

cool, sweaty skin

pinpoint red spots on the skin

Get emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms of overdose occur:

Symptoms of overdose

Bluish color of the fingernails, lips, skin, palms, or nail beds

change in consciousness

loss of consciousness

no blood pressure or pulse

stopping of the heart

very drowsy or sleepy

Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:

Less common


bloated feeling

decreased interest in sexual intercourse – YES

difficulty having a bowel movement


dry mouth

excess air or gas in stomach or bowels – YES

feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings

feeling of fullness

feeling of indigestion

feeling sad or empty

inability to have or keep an erection – YES


loss in sexual ability, desire, drive, or performance

loss of interest or pleasure

Nightmares – YES

pain in the chest below the breastbone

passing gas 

redness or other discoloration of the skin

runny nose – YES

sensation of spinning


stuffy nose


trouble concentrating

trouble sleeping

Bone pain

continuing ringing or buzzing or other unexplained noise in the ears

dry eyes

hair loss or thinning of the hair

hearing loss

increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight

pain in the penis on erection

severe sunburn

Incidence not known

Change in taste or bad, unusual, or unpleasant (after) taste

fear or nervousness

hives or welts

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What is Metoprolol?

Metoprolol is a beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins).  It is used as a treatment for Angina and Hypertension(High blood pressure). It is especially used to lower the risk of a heart attack.

Important Information

You should not use metoprolol if you have a serious heart problem (heart block, sick sinus syndrome, slow heart rate), severe circulation problems, severe heart failure, or a history of slow heartbeats that caused fainting.

Before taking this medicine

You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to metoprolol, or other beta-blockers such as Atenolol, Carvedilol, Labeteal, Nadolol, Nebivolol, Propranolol, Sotalol), or if you have:

  • a serious heart problem such as heart block, sick sinus syndrome, or slow heart rate;
  • severe circulation problems;
  • severe heart failure (that required you to be in the hospital); or
  • a history of slow heartbeats that have caused you to faint.

To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known whether metoprolol will harm an unborn baby. However, having high blood pressure during pregnancy may cause complications such as diabetes or eclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure that can lead to medical problems in both mother and baby). The benefit of treating hypertension may outweigh any risks to the baby.

Ask a doctor before using this medicine if you are breast-feeding. Metoprolol can pass into breast milk and may cause dry skin, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, or slow heartbeats in your baby.

How should I take metoprolol?

Take metoprolol exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose.

Metoprolol should be taken with a meal or just after a meal.

Take the medicine at the same time each day.

Swallow the capsule whole and do not crush, chew, break, or open it.

A Toprol XL tablet can be divided in half if your doctor has told you to do so. Swallow the half-tablet whole, without chewing or crushing.

Measure liquid medicine carefully. Use the dosing syringe provided, or use a medicine dose-measuring device (not a kitchen spoon).

You will need frequent medical tests, and your blood pressure will need to be checked often.

If you need surgery, tell the surgeon ahead of time that you are using this medicine.

You should not stop using this medicine suddenly. Stopping suddenly may make your condition worse.

If you have high blood pressure, keep using metoprolol even if you feel well. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. You may need to use this medicine for the rest of your life.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

Metoprolol injection is given as an infusion into a vein. A healthcare provider will give you this injection in a medical setting where your heart and blood pressure can be monitored. Metoprolol injections are given for only a short time before switching you to the oral form of this medicine.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Skip the missed dose and use your next dose at the regular time. Do not use two doses at one time.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should I avoid while taking metoprolol?

Avoid driving or hazardous activity until you know how this medicine will affect you. Your reactions could be impaired.

Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects of metoprolol.

Metoprolol side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to metoprolol: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Call your doctor at once if you have:

  • very slow heartbeats;
  • a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out;
  • shortness of breath (even with mild exertion), swelling, rapid weight gain; or
  • cold feeling in your hands and feet.

Common metoprolol side effects may include:

Metoprolol side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to metoprolol: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Call your doctor at once if you have:

·        very slow heartbeats;

·        a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out;

·        shortness of breath (even with mild exertion), swelling, rapid weight gain; or

·        cold feeling in your hands and feet.

Common metoprolol side effects may include:

·        dizziness, tired feeling;

·        depression, confusion, memory problems;

·        nightmares, trouble sleeping;

·        diarrhea; or

·        mild itching or rash.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

See also:

Metoprolol side effects (in more detail)

What other drugs will affect metoprolol?

Tell your doctor about all your current medicines. Many drugs can interact with metoprolol, especially:

This list is not complete and many other drugs may interact with metoprolol. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Not all possible drug interactions are listed here.

See also:

Metoprolol drug interactions (in more detail)

Most frequently checked interactions

Side Effects have been reported by people taking Metroprolol and the following:

·        Adderall (amphetamine / dextroamphetamine)

·        Advair Diskus (fluticasone / salmeterol)

·        Advil (ibuprofen)

·        amlodipine

·        Aspir 81 (aspirin)

·        aspirin

·        Aspirin Low Strength (aspirin)

·        atenolol

·        Benadryl (diphenhydramine)

·        Cialis (tadalafil)

·        Coumadin (warfarin)

·        Crestor (rosuvastatin)

·        Cymbalta (duloxetine)

·        Eliquis (apixaban)

·        Fish Oil (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids)

·        grapefruit

·        ibuprofen

·        Lantus (insulin glargine)

·        Lasix (furosemide)

·        Lexapro (escitalopram)

·        Lipitor (atorvastatin)

·        lisinopril

·        losartan

·        Lyrica (pregabalin)

·        Nexium (esomeprazole)

·        Plavix (clopidogrel)

·        sotalol

·        Synthroid (levothyroxine)

·        Tylenol (acetaminophen)

·        Viagra (sildenafil)

·        Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

·        Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

·        Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

·        Xanax (alprazolam)

Further information

Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others and use metoprolol only for the indication prescribed.

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.

Copyright 1996-2020 Cerner Multum, Inc. Version: 17.03.

Related questions

Next → Side Effects

More about metoprolol

Consumer resources

Metoprolol Intravenous (Advanced Reading)

Lipitor and other Statins

Lipitor and other Statins

Recently, I had my wife take me to the hospital because I felt I was having some sort of an adverse heart reaction.   When we arrived there, they took me in and assessed me with a quick EKG. Less than a minute later, they took me to their Cath Room where they conducted a process to implant

A stent into an artery supplying blood to my heart. 

I was then moved to the ICU.   They put me on medications without me knowing what I was being given nor what it or they were supposed to do for me.   As I became more conscientious and more cognizant of what had taken place, they did explain to me the service provided by each medication.     I told them that I had seen what Lipitor had done to my parents and aside from that, I had done my own research and I was aware of the side effects of Lipitor.  I listened to the doctors and other hospital professionals, I finally agreed to take the statins that they prescribed to me but only for a short trial period.   However, I decided to do my own research. They said the statins had been improved and that very few people reported any side effects. My research showed that almost 35% of patients reported side effects.   It is obvious that many side effects are so subtle and gradual in their occurrence, that patients would not naturally notice them. Many were not recorded but instead were just quickly brushed off by doctors. Finally, the research shows that it would be hard to report side effects that are so gradual, such as the increased risk of diabetes, increased risk of cancer, the destruction of coq10 (without it the heart is vulnerable) or the impaired secretion of Testosterone and insulin.  Or, the starvation of the brain from cholesterol. Most heart disease patients are not aware of the brain’s need for cholesterol as it is about 28% cholesterol. When it is starved for cholesterol, memory decline occurs and quick thinking, sharp acuity all take a hit.  


Taking information from their research and data, they claimed that Lipitor reduced cholesterol by 36 percent.   When their data was audited, it looks like they found ways to invent that figure. The true data written in a way that people would normally understand it, shows that it is only 1.1 percent more effective than a placebo pill.   So you could say that at least by taking Lipitor you would be given a 1.1 percent improved chance in reducing cholesterol over that of a placebo. Could you imagine what people would say if they advertised that it was 1.1 % better than a placebo?   However, since there are serious side effects with Lipitor, you can’t say that either.  

Side Effects of Statins

The whole purpose of “statins” is to reduce the so-called cholesterol.   Whether or not there is such a thing as bad and good cholesterol or that cholesterol somehow causes heart disease, lets first consider the effectiveness of the Statins.  First, let’s consider the side effects so that we can decide if the pros outweigh the cons. The following are facts of statins compared to a placebo. Consider each in the following way –   With Statins you have. . . when compared to a placebo. 

  1. Twice the chance of acquiring type two diabetes.  Statins impair the secretion of insulin. 
  2. Twice the chance of acquiring a form of cancer.
  3. An Acute Memory loss or  brain impairment 
  4. Reduced or nonexistent Libido
  5. Elevated Liver enzymes causing Rhabdomyolysis
  6. Destroys coq10 which is harmful to the heart. 
  7. The brain which is 25% cholesterol is starved and does not function correctly. 

I might add a bit of personal experience.  My parents both lost their memories while taking statins.   They never recovered their memories even after being taken off the statins.  The doctors said that they just had dementia, which was caused by the onset of old age.   My father had liver damage. My mother finally died of heart failure. Their last years of life were not enjoyable wonderful years at all.   I feel that had they known what would happen to them as they partook of statins, they would have taken their chances of dying from high cholesterol.

For many years the American Heart Association has told us that we needed to reduce our cholesterol levels if we want to avoid heart attacks.  It started with “Ancel Keys” who said that we must lower our intake of fat if we want to avoid heart attacks. Ancel Keys had no training in health, heart disease, or nutrition.   His bachelor’s degree was in economics. Despite this, we were told to eat margarine instead of butter. We were told to cut the fat off our meat before we ate it. We were told to avoid eating too many eggs etc.   His recommendations were not based on research. As Americans began to follow the advice of Ancel Keys of avoiding fats and eating carbohydrates, we moved higher on the obesity chart until now we are at the very top. We are the most obese culture in the world. 

Ancel Keys’ advice was nothing more than harmful lies.    For example, his suggestion to use margarine instead of butter has been proven to be harmful to Americans.   Actual research shows that the more a person uses margarine instead of butter, the greater their chance of heart disease.   Time magazine of 2015, finally broke through, The-emperor’s-new-clothes, low-fat, propaganda. They said, if you want to avoid heart disease, eat butter, avoid carbs and sugar.   
However, clear back in the AMA 1966 vol 45 No 2 medical journal a research project is recorded that shows that high cholesterol equates to a low chance of heart disease.  This was a study that was conducted where people were observed over a 10 year period.  

In a study conducted in 1991, it was shown that someone with a cholesterol level of 330 IS 31% less likely to die of heart disease.  

The Honolulu Heart Program (BMJ Oct 12th, 1991) concluded that low cholesterol was associated with higher rates of cancer, stroke and heart failure. 

In 1985, BR Heart Journal study determined that the main cause of heart disease and clogged arteries was caused by clotting factors and not low cholesterol    The clogging was caused when blood platelets become sticky which was attributed to smoking or high blood sugar from eating man-made refined sugars. 

IN 1984 Journal of American Medical Association, a study of 480,000 people was conducted.   People were given cholestyramine to reduce their cholesterol by 24%. It was concluded that lowering cholesterol did nothing to prevent heart disease.  

The French and Italian Paradox

The French people have a diet that is 40% fats and 15% saturated fats.  Data shows that these people are the least likely to die of heart disease.  They have never cared what the American Medical Association suggests is a good diet.   Despite eating all the fats including butter, eggs, milk products and especially cheese, these people are not obese and are near the bottom of the obesity chart. If you see an obese person in France, it is more likely to be an American there on vacation.   Italians have a similar diet to the french. Research data shows that both cultures have almost no deaths from heart disease. Additionally, they are much less obese than other cultures of the world.   


Heart disease is not caused by HDL, LDL or any of the cholesterols that are produced by the liver to repair the arteries and veins of the body or to replenish the brain.   

Therefore, reducing cholesterol through the use of statins, to prevent blockage of the veins and arteries does nothing to prevent blockage or heart disease.   Instead, it increases the risk of dying from heart disease. It increases the chance of dying from diabetes, cancer or having impaired memory, low libido, low testosterone, and a host of other side effects.


  1. For now, I would like to encourage everyone to watch: 

 David Diamond – Demonization and Deception of Cholesterol.  

  1. I would encourage everyone to avoid man-made sugar, high fructose corn syrup or any other unnatural sweeteners. 
  1. Avoid smoking.
Benefits of lime water

Benefits of lime water

In this article we would like to portray to you the extremely valuable benefits of lime juice in water, beginning with the most helpful benefits first.  That being limited solely to the benefits for health and revitalization of the human body.

1. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Limes contain high levels of magnesium and potassium.  Both of these elements help support the overall health of the heart.   In particular, potassium can improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.  There is some limited research that demonstrates that lime may reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body.  The nutrients in lime water are so beneficial for relief from heart disease, that some have thought of trying to add a few ingredients to lime and then patenting it as a heart medicine.   

This small green citrus fruit that seems to have originated in Asia, is loaded with those trace elements that are needed to repair and support heart function.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one lime with a 2-inch diameter contains just 20 calories, but also contains the following trace elements and nutrients:

  • 22 milligrams (mg) calcium
  • 12 mg phosphorus
  • 68 mg potassium
  • 19.5 mg vitamin C, which is about 20–25 percent of the daily value recommended for adults

Taking lime juice on a regular basis is a good start for ensuring a healthy and long-lasting heart function. 

2. Improves immune system

The vitamin C combined with the antioxidants contained in limes provides support to the body’s immune system.   Many researchers believe that, when lime water is consumed on a regular basis, it will help prevent colds and flu. According to some research, the limonins found in limes can help prevent the accumulation of Streptococcus bacteria.  Streptococcus is a type of bacteria responsible for a variety of infections and health conditions, including respiratory and mouth infections.  Drinking lime water may help stop such harmful organisms from developing and even prevent bacterial illnesses. It helps aid in the digestion and reduction of “candida” which is linked to many body ailments, such as Alzheimer’s and arthritis.  However, thus far we have not been able to support that belief through research and testing. Someone just needs to conduct such research. We would encourage students to try such a research project for a school science project. 

Among many other potential benefits of lime water, vitamin C acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body.  Oregon State University conducted a review of research that focused on the positive effect vitamin C has on reducing inflammation.  They concluded that most research related to vitamin C  indicated favorable results in reducing bodily inflammation.

3. Reduces cancer development

Several studies show a link between citrus fruit and the reduced risk of some types of cancer. A 2015 study in Medicine (Baltimore) showed a possible link between increased citrus fruit consumption and a diminished risk of esophageal cancer.  There are some indications that it helps with skin cancers as well. Again we need more conclusive research on this claim. 

4. Lemon Juice Helps prevent kidney stones

Limes contain both citric acid and vitamin C. A 2014 study showed that both vitamin C and citric acid helped break up or prevent the formation of some types of kidney stones.   The researchers have concluded that by including vitamin C and citric acid in their diet (key ingredients found in limes), a person could reduce their risk of developing kidney stones in their future.

Fresh lime being cut

5. Lowers blood sugar

According to some research, vitamin C can help to stabilize the effects of going without food all night or of eating a meal.  Often times people feel stomach uneasiness in such conditions, but a bit of lime water can reduce that.    The ingredients in limes provide relief to blood sugar spikes and downturns to help people feel comfortable stomach wise.   Though the study focused on people taking supplements of vitamin C, the conclusion indicated that vitamin C does offer excellent potential for improving a person’s sugar levels and therefore would include the natural and more normal form of vitamin C found in limes. 

6. Improves skin quality

Limes contain vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which are ingredients in many commercial skin products. When consumed with water, the natural ingredients in the lime juice can help improve the appearance of aging skin.  It helps restore the elasticity of the skin making it more able to return to its natural shape and position.   

7. Helps improve diet and digestion

A recent study in Nutritional Epidemiology showed that people who drank more water instead of sugary drinks, such as soda or juice, improved their diet in terms of weight loss.  People who drank water instead of sweetened drinks reduced the amount of sugar and fat they consumed on a daily basis. This is largely because limes contain compounds that stimulate digestive secretions in the stomach.   Limes also contain digestive acids that help break down foods both in the mouth and in the stomach.   

Another benefit of limes is that they make water more enjoyable to drink just like a juice drink.   However, they do not include all of the negative aspects of a sugary drink and can therefore, cause people to drink more water and less harmful sugary man-made drinks.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that people who do not drink enough water could add lime juice to their drinking water to enhance the flavor, which in turn, may encourage them to drink more water.  Nutritionists often recommend drinking a glass of water with a meal to help prevent overeating. Lime water has an additional benefit. The citric acid found in lime juice helps boost a person’s metabolism, helping them burn more calories and store less fat.   Lime water can aid digestion and may encourage people to drink more water.

The summary

Lime Juice revitalized heart function, reduces harmful cholesterol, reduces cancer, aids in revitalizing the appearance of the skin, and it helps a person move toward their goal of weight loss.   Don’t forget it can aid in digestion and stomach pains caused from spikes in blood sugar levels. The side benefit is that lime juice can make water more enjoyable as a drink. Most conveniently, lime juice water drinks are easy to make and you can buy lime juice in a bottle at the grocery store.   If adding two tablespoons of lime juice to a glass of water is too hard, then just take the lid off and use the cap to measure out about 2 to 3 capfuls to add to your water. Remember also, that lime juice adds nutrients to your body that bring health and vitalization, even though all of the effects of lime juice have not been verified with research. 

Honey – The Super Food

Honey – The Super Food

Honey is s superfood that has tremendous benefits for the body and mind.  These include boosted energy levels, strengthened immune system, assists the healing process, heals acne, reduces candida, reduces LDL cholesterol, maintains lower blood sugar levels with sustained release, heals sores, helps prevent dementia, increases memory abilities, and disinfects the entire body.   However, only honey that it is raw, unfiltered, not pasteurized and is without other ingredients such as High Fructose Corn syrup can make all of the claims above. Honey has different practical applications that make it one of the best natural remedies for overall good health. ent

1. Benefits of Honey: Helps with Allergies

One of the most known uses of honey is its ability to relieve allergy sufferers.  Whether it is caused by pets or even dust mites, but especially for pollen, Honey is the best remedy.    Research has shown that Honey has various anti-inflammatory characteristics that fight allergy symptoms. Moreover, it protects against specific allergens like a vaccine, because it contains trace amounts of pollen, and helps the body to prepare its own defenses (antibodies).  Again, this allergy relief is a characteristic of raw, local, unfiltered, unpasteurized honey. The anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of honey, help the body to suppress allergy symptoms and at the same time, they increase the body’s immune system. (Consult your doctor before consuming honey for allergies).  If you are suffering from Allergies, try using Honey as your first line of defense. 

2. Boosts Energy

Monotonous, repetitive, rushed, stressful lifestyles can cause feelings of stress and intense mental pressures.  Honey contains high levels of carbohydrates, glucose, and fructose that enter the bloodstream and give us an instant boost of energy.   Unlike man-made granulated sugar, honey has a sustained release quality that can give us energy through a much longer time period. This causes the body to have a feeling of well being, causing a happy-go-lucky type of feeling that helps reduce stress levels and consequently makes life more enjoyable. 

3. Mental Medicine

One special effect of Honey, is that helps the mind to function at its best.   It provides the mental energy for creative mental tasks. At the same time, honey helps remove toxins from the brain that hamper its memory capabilities.   Instead of being stressed about what you have to remember to do, your mind will be much less likely to forget dates, names, and even birthdays? Honey can help you in launching new artistic talents by providing the brain with more energy to think and process thoughts. This magic food improves memory by enabling your brain to recover thoughts faster. Honey contains antioxidants that help the cells of the brain to thrive and stay in great shape.

4. Fights Troublesome Health Problems

One of the most significant benefits of honey is its ability to treat the common cold as well as many of its most common symptoms, including a cough. Whether you’re suffering from a dry or wet cough, honey can help reduce irritability as well as pain and discomfort.   Hydrogen peroxide is a natural enzyme found in honey which gives Honey an anti-microbial antibacterial characteristic. For this reason, honey can help fight tooth decay, throat and gum diseases and help to eliminate plaque. 

 Perhaps even more important than curing a cough is honey’s ability to kill candida.  Most research, though not conclusive, points to candida as the cause of many ailments of the body including arthritis, irritated bowel syndrome, dementia, leaky gut syndrome, and many other diseases.  Most people know that sugar feeds candida, but they might now know that Honey’s antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial qualities actually helps to alleviate the body of this slow death known as candida.   Yeast infection is a form of candida. Infections of the skin are often a result of candida. Honey, unlike its counterpart sugar, is able to reduce the amount of candida in the blood and intestines. This is in sharp contrast to the effects of granulated white sugar.   Just a spoonful of honey can do more to squelch a cough, cure indigestion, alleviate arthritic pain and other bodily problems, than can most medicines that are made for such maladies.   

5. Sleep Aid

Many of us are unable to get a good night’s rest, either because our internal clock isn’t tuned correctly, or because we don’t take the right steps to make ourselves compatible for a good sleep.   For example, a person shouldn’t watch TV for at least a half-hour before going to bed. We should stay off our smartphones, computers, i-pads, etc. too. Lucky for us, honey can naturally induce sleep.  This is because honey is rich in natural sugars that help raise insulin levels, which in turn release serotonin. This substance converts into melatonin, which is a critical component in creating sleep.   Often, when one is unable to sleep, the lack of melatonin is the cause which can be remedied through the consumption of a bit of honey rather than by taking sleeping pills.


6. An Equalizer that Balances the Body

Most people are unaware that just 27 grams of sugar per day is enough to increase your exposure to harmful disease and bodily ailments by 80%.   That includes being overweight, liver problems, memory problems, digestion problems, heart problems, skin diseases, mouth and throat problems, etc.   Honey, on the other hand, helps to balance the body’s ph so that all hormones function properly. Honey is the great cleanser of the body that helps the body by eliminating harmful bacterias, funguses, plaque, toxins, LDL cholesterol, candida, and harmful bacteria that cause sickness.    Honey, has long been used for its natural properties, which are believed to give good health and mental stability. In the Ayurvedic culture, honey is believed to balance the body, and in the process, improve the well-being of a person. Other practical benefits include weight loss. Yes, you read that correctly – Weight Loss.   Honey protects the stomach from nausea. That’s why the benefits of honey are often used in tandem with other herbal remedies.  Whatever you do, don’t cheat yourself by thinking that honey has the same evil qualities as granulated white sugar, aspartame or High Fructose Corn Syrup.   Unlike these sweeteners, Honey can actually balance the blood sugar levels to improve the body’s health. 

7. Controls Blood Sugar

It is a well-known fact that a large part of the American population suffers from unhealthy levels of blood sugar. This condition is due to the outrageous amount of refined sugars that are part of many processed foods, including junk food, chips, soda, and candy. When the body receives high levels of white refined sugar, it disturbs the body’s optimal levels of blood sugar. However, though honey works as a sweetener like white sugar, it does not increase blood sugar levels, because honey has a sustained release property that helps to control its effects on the blood sugar levels.  This quality makes honey a fantastic alternative to traditional sweeteners.

8. Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-microbial 

Did you know that if you got a cut on your skin, you can sanitize it with honey.  What do most people do for a cut? Well, they, rush to the bathroom cabinet for some rubbing alcohol, Merthiolate, or other ointments.   Surprisingly, honey is very antibacterial, making it a great alternative to rubbing alcohol. You can apply honey onto the skin to protect it against infection. Likewise, honey can be applied to the face to treat acne and other skin conditions. Moreover, honey is composed mainly of simple sugars, which dry the skin, helping to treat cuts and other ailments.

9. Digestive Assistance

Honey offers the ability to promote proper digestion and optimal intestinal health. That’s because honey is rich in friendly, gut-helping bacteria. This bacteria, known as probiotics,  helps the gut to digest food and protects it against certain diseases. Honey contains lactobacilli as well as bifidobacteria, which, when combined, can significantly improve stomach health. Natural and unfiltered honey boosts the body’s levels of probiotics, making the digestive system more effective in disseminating nutrients throughout the body.  

10. Creates Healthy Skin

Honey is a Godsend for good skin. It improves tightness, moisturizes, and creates radiant, younger-looking skin. Because of its nourishing properties, honey has been used for a long time as a skin treatment.  People with wrinkly skin can apply honey as a face mask. Its binding capabilities can help to reduce signs of aging. Moreover, Honey can help reduce blemishes. Best of all, the antibacterial benefits of honey fight acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff.  

11. Increased Libido

Symptoms of low Libido include a lack of sexual desire, low ability to maintain an erection, low desire to communicate with your spouse or members of the opposite sex.  Couples, where one of the partners has a low libido, are more prone to one partner turning on the other. Excessive stress will more easily break a couple apart if the gluing effects of a strong libido are not there.  Couples with low libido, tend to oppose each other rather than uniting together. Couples can easily see when this happens and they seek help from therapists, doctors, and psychologists. Fortunately, God has blessed us with honey.   Research has shown that when men consume more honey, they produce more testosterone naturally. When women consume honey, they produce more estrogen and progesterone. Honey is a natural Aphrodisiac and improves the feelings of desire for members of the opposite sex.  

12 Cleansing of the Blood (hangovers)

Honey that is raw and unpasteurized is able to assist the liver in removing toxins or in oxidizing alcohol from the blood.  This means quicker relief from hangovers, headaches, nausea, and physical illness. Just take a spoonful of honey and mix it in a cup of milk and drink it down.   You will feel good as new in just a couple of hours.  

13. Managing Acne

Many people believe that since sugar causes acne, then Honey will do the same thing.   The truth is, that Honey cures acne rather than causes it. Research shows that adding honey to one’s diet lessens the intensity and the duration of an acne break out.   Honey contains “humectants” which when placed on the skin, will eliminate the bacteria that cause acne. Simply rub some honey on your skin and leave it there for about an hour before washing it off with warm water, and honey will work its effects on your skin.   The acne-causing bacteria will be killed off, the pusses etc will be dried up and the sores will dissipate and will prevent the spread of acne to other parts of the body. Placing honey on your face at night will help to reduce the natural oils that can plug up the pores of the skin and cause acne and blackheads.  

14 Acid Reflux

Acid reflux and heartburn damage the sensitive tissues of the esophagus.  Honey can help to protect the sensitive tissues from further damage and can also prevent infections or ulcerations.    Additionally, honey can assist in the digestion of the stomach and help prevent the causes of Acid reflux and heartburn.   For the sufferer, it can greatly relieve the pain from such Acid reflux. 

15 Hair and Scalp

If your hair looks dull and unhealthy, or if you have dandruff problems, simply mix two tablespoons with a cup of milk and wash your hair with it.  Be sure to rub it into your scalp. The honey will disinfect your scalp and revitalize your hair without the harmful chemicals used in shampoos that contain parabens and other harmful chemicals. Honey has been used as long as records exist to show that people have been treating their hair, skin, and scalp with honey to cure ailments. 

16. Burns and Cuts

The anti-microbial, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial properties of raw unpasteurized honey can sterilize wounds, burns, and cuts.   The ancient Greeks actually used honey for an antiseptic for treatment of cuts. Additionally, honey will prevent the onset of infection to the wound.   It will help reduce the pain in burns as well as cuts. Most importantly, when honey is applied to the wound, it accelerates the healing process. Simply apply honey directly to the wound and cover it with a bandage.   Change the dressing on the wound once or twice a day.   


After deciding to include honey in your diet, remember to seek raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized honey.   Remember, just because the label says that honey is organic, that does not necessarily mean that it is raw, unfiltered honey.   If you want to get the benefit of honey, you have to use the unaltered form of honey. Honey with other ingredients such as High Fructose Corn Syrup, which in some cases can be added to the honey without being required to be posted on the ingredients label, can greatly reduce the benefits of honey.   The best-case scenario is to find a local honey producer that will sell you, raw honey. The locally produced honey will have greater properties to help resist the allergens in the air. In any case, take the time to find a honey source or produce your own honey in your backyard. It will be well worth your trouble.

Benefits of Lemon Water

Benefits of Lemon Water

People have been drinking lemon water for centuries.   People have called bad purchases “lemons” like that is the worst thing you can buy (the bad lemon car).   There are comments such as “if life gives you a lemon, make lemon-aid as if a bad life can be described as a lemon.   Conversely, the fact is, from a health perspective, that lemons are one of the best foods you can eat.   They are one of the most health enriching foods that can be found.   

Americans want to lose weight, have beautiful skin, be smart and have plenty of energy.   Did you know that Lemons help with all of these desires?    Lemon juice can help us reduce our weight.  Lemon juice raises our metabolic rate, which in turn, helps us lose weight.   Besides weight loss benefits, there are many more benefits for drinking lemon water.   How about preventing cognitive brain disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.   How about the benefit of preventing the appearance of wrinkles and lines on one’s face as they grow older?   There are so many benefits for drinking lemon juice.

Please consider some of the following not so obvious benefits of lemons:

  • Lemons have been shown to fight cancers.
  • Lemons are heart medicine and studies prove they reduce cholesterol.
  • Lemon water reduces depression and anxiety while increasing the ability to focus. 
  • Lemons have an anti-inflammatory property that aids in fighting respiratory infections, sore throats, the common cold, and inflamed tonsils.
  • Lemons reduce skin problems such as acne, dark spots, rashes, lines or wrinkles.

·       Lemons are a rich source of Vitamin C, which bolsters your immune system.

  • Lemon juice will help maintain your body’s pH balance.
  • Lemons help with digestion.
  • Lemons are a great source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and other essential vitamins and nutrients.
  • Lemon juice helps with dental hygiene, preventing gingivitis, halitosis, and toothaches.
  • lemon juice reduces joint and muscle pain caused by free radicals.
  • Lemon juice keeps your body hydrated and provides electrolytes.
  • Lemon juice cleanses toxins from our liver and blood.
  • Lemons have nutrient powers to brighten your skin and reduce wrinkles.

Lemons are not just a food additive that can bring out the taste of fish, lobster, chicken, and pork.  Lemons are packed with vital nutrients that can do a world of good for your overall health. They contain antiseptic qualities for treating and preventing various health conditions, from scurvy in the 16th and 17th centuries to halitosis in the present times.  Consider some of the following features of lemons for your health.  

1. Lemons support heart health

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, a single serving of lemon juice offers about 31 mg of this essential vitamin, which is half of the daily recommended amount.  Research has shown that adding foods to your diet that are rich in vitamin C can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The high amount of vitamin C that lemons contain isn’t the only reason why they are good for your heart; they are packed with fiber and contain plant compounds (specifically diosmin and hesperidin) that have been shown to drastically reduce the risk factors for developing heart disease.  They reduce high levels of LDL cholesterol.  If you eat 24 grams of citrus fiber extract for one month, your blood cholesterol levels will be reduced.

2. Lemons can reduce the risk of stroke

The American Heart Association produced a study that shows that men and particularly women, who eat higher amounts of flavonoid compounds found in lemons, have a lower risk of having a stroke.   In this study, women who consumed larger amounts of the compounds found in lemons were found to have a 19 percent lower risk of a stroke than women who had fewer flavonoids in their diets.   Flavonoids are believed to lower the risk of stroke for a number of reasons, including the improved function of the blood vessels, circulation, and an anti-inflammatory effect. All of these elements are important for reducing the risk of stroke.  So if you want to safeguard yourself from such life-changing catastrophes, consider “lemons.”

3. Lemon Juice can help prevent cancer

Research studies have revealed that lemons can prevent certain types of cancer. That is because lemons are loaded with compounds and antioxidants that fight off the cells that cause certain types of cancer. One study found that lemon juice was able to eradicate breast cancer cells.

Another study found that lemon juice prevents the growth of cells that are related to many types of cancer. This citrus fruit is rich in hesperidin and d-limonene, two compounds that have been found to contain properties that prevent cancer. It is because of the powerful compounds found in lemons that they are recommended food for cancer prevention.

4. Ingredients in Lemons strengthen the immune system

As mentioned, lemons are a very rich source of vitamin C, and vitamin C has been found to strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, lemons are very rich in antioxidants, and they can stave off inflammation.

Research studies have found that the antioxidants found in lemons can neutralize the damage caused by free radicals, which means they can help to protect the cells of the immune system. Additionally, they can shield the body from various infections and illnesses that are caused by viruses and bacteria. Researchers suggest that consuming one lemon per day can drastically improve the function of the immune system.  Therefore, if you want to avoid a cold, the flu, or many other types of ailments, consider drinking more lemon juice.

5. Lemon water can prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are tiny deposits of waste that crystallize and collect in the kidneys, which are extremely painful. Those who suffer from kidney stones once, are more likely to have them again. It has been determined that drinking lemon water can prevent the development of kidney stones.  That’s because they are high in citric acid, which increases the volume of urine produced. It also increases the pH levels in the urine. By doing so, the environment in your kidneys is less hospitable for the production of kidney stones and in this way kidney stones are prevented from forming. All that is needed is the drinking of  ½  a cup of lemon juice each day.

6.Lemon Juice can Help prevent Diabetes

Every day, your body requires about 20 to 38 grams of fiber. Most of us get very little fiber daily in our lives. This can cause digestion issues, which are not comfortable or healthy. Bad digestion can cause hemorrhoids and constipation; neither are fun. When you add more fiber in your diet, you are less likely to develop heart disease and diabetes. A medium-sized lemon has about 2.5 grams of fiber in it. 

7. Lemon water aids in weight management

If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight, you might want to consider adding more lemons to your diet. Lemons are among the best foods for weight loss.  Research claims that the plant compounds in lemons aid in weight loss, and the research shows that these compounds can minimize weight gain.  Lemon water actually increases your metabolism as well to help you burn more fat.

8. Lemons can enhance your energy levels

When you find yourself tired out, instead of reaching for a glass of water, try drinking a glass of lemon water.  Studies have found that drinking lemon water increases energy levels.   Why? – Because the body gets its energy from the molecules and atoms that are present in food. Since lemons contain ions that are negatively charged, they naturally boost your energy levels.

In addition to making you feel more energetic, lemons can improve your overall mood. Studies have shown that just smelling a lemon can reduce stress levels, thereby improving a person’s mood. So, when you need a pick-me-up, instead of coffee, try drinking lemon water. If you are stressed out, you can drink lemon water, eat a lemon, or simply smell one, and you will notice a difference in your mood.

9. Lemon Juice enhances the absorption of iron

Iron is a vital mineral. It is one of the primary elements found in hemoglobin, a compound found in the red blood cells that transport oxygenated blood throughout the body. The high amounts of vitamin C found in Lemons helps to promote the absorption of iron, thereby preventing the development of iron-deficiency anemia. Research has revealed that an intake of 100 mg of vitamin C prior to eating, can increase the absorption of iron by nearly 70 percent. Since lemons are so rich in vitamin C and they also contain iron, it is a fact that drinking lemon juice will increase your body’s absorption of iron. 

10. Lemons can improve digestion

The juices in lemons are similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach.  For that reason alone, lemons are an effective way to improve digestion. The chemical makeup of lemons actually causes the liver to produce more bile.   Bile helps to improve the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, thereby improving digestion.

Studies on animals have demonstrated that lemons protect the function of the liver by reducing oxidation damage, thereby aiding indigestion. Additionally, lemons promote regularity because they help to relieve constipation.  Eating lemons helps the digestive process of food so that more vitamins are obtained by the body from less food.   Thus, drinking more lemon water does result in weight loss and helps the body to be more effective in absorbing the nutrients from the foods you eat.

11. Lemons can prevent wrinkles

If you are looking for a natural way to retain your youthful appearance, drink more lemon juice.   Lemons contain a high amount of antioxidants, which are powerful in fighting off cellular damage caused by free radicals. Skin cells can be negatively affected by free-radical damage, which can cause premature aging, reduced skin elasticity and ultimately results in fine lines,  wrinkles, dryness and age spots.

Scientific studies have revealed that the antioxidants found in lemons are very effective in slowing down the aging process and for improving the overall health and appearance of the skin.

12. They freshen your breath

If you suffer from chronic bad breath (a condition known as halitosis), you may want to look to lemons as a remedy. In fact, lemons have been found to be  an effective way to treat bad breath. Why? – Because they contain antimicrobial, phytochemical, and antioxidant compounds that can kill off the fungus and bacteria that cause bad breath.

13. Lemons can lower cholesterol levels

Lemons are good for your heart.  The reason? – Lemons, as mentioned, contain pectin fiber, a type of soluble fiber that plays a key role in the health of your colon. During the process of digestion, pectin fiber attaches to unhealthy cholesterols and carbohydrates located in the gastrointestinal tract and thus decreases the absorption of glucose.  There is proof of this.  Studies have found that consuming pectin fiber can effectively lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream by reducing the absorption of bad cholesterol, both from bile and from food. Since many of the carbohydrates that people consume contain high amounts of bad cholesterol, eating lemons can be an effective way to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

14. Lemons can alleviate acne

Aside from making your skin beautiful, reducing wrinkles, lines, brown spots, lemons can prevent acne and blemishes.  Why? – Because lemons contain antimicrobial properties. It is those properties that can help to combat the impact of dirt, bacteria, and other debris that accumulates on the surface of the skin.   Furthermore, the acidic properties of lemons reduce the production of body oils that contribute to acne.

15. Lemon ingredients will boost the function of the liver

Your liver is the largest internal organ, and it plays a vital role in your well-being. It serves as the filtration system for your blood and is responsible for cleansing toxins and other impurities from your blood.  The food we eat and the medicines we take are cleansed by the means of the liver.   While the liver has the ability to regenerate itself, if it is overwhelmed with toxins and impurities, its ability to function can be severely reduced.  Consuming lemon juice is very beneficial in restoring the functionality of your liver.

Once again, this is because of the powerful antioxidants that lemons contain. These antioxidants fight off free radical damage and they flush out toxins that accumulate in the liver. Therefore, if you want to improve the function of your liver, you should certainly consider eating more lemons.

16. Lemon Juice promotes a healthy pregnancy

For pregnant women, lemons can be extremely beneficial; both for the mother and for the baby.   As has already been stated, lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, a nutrient, that pregnant women are often deficient in. That’s because their babies are absorbing large amounts of the vitamins C that is available, leaving little for the mothers. More lemon juice would equate to more vitamin C for both mother and baby.

Lemons ease constipation, which is a common side effect of pregnancy.  Off course we have already mentioned that lemons help with digestion and thus decrease constipation and irregularity. Lemons are an excellent source of folate, a nutrient that is important to pregnancy, as it reduces the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. By consuming more lemons, pregnant women would not need as many man-made supplements to maintain theirs’s and the baby’s health.

17. Ingredients in Lemons improve mental health

Another profound benefit of lemons is that they can slow down mental degeneration while growing old.  That is because brain degeneration is caused by the high amount of free radical and Lemons provide high amounts of antioxidants that can combat them.   If you want to avoid dementia and Alzheimer’s, you need to drink more lemon water.   There is no cure for these conditions, but drinking lemon water can help to prevent them from ever happening.  As mentioned, antioxidants help to combat the cellular damage that is caused by free radicals, thereby preventing cognitive decline. Furthermore, the high levels of vitamin C found in lemons also contribute to their effectiveness for combating the mental decline. If cognitive health conditions run in your family, increasing your intake of lemons may be an effective way to maintain a healthy brain and prevent serious cognitive conditions.

18. Lemons can reduce anxiety

In addition to preventing cognitive decline, lemons may be able to improve your mental health in another way; they may reduce the effects of anxiety. Studies have found that the scent of lemons produces a calming effect that relieves anxiety and its symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, tension, stress, and mental and physical exhaustion.  

19. Lemon juice is an all-natural cleaning agent

Lemons do more than offer profound benefits for your health; they are also an excellent natural cleaning agent. That’s because lemons contain antibacterial properties which can effectively kill germs, bacteria, and even mold. Lemons can eliminate unpleasant odors.

Furthermore, the citric acid that lemons contain has the ability to cut through all types of dirt, grime, rust, limescale, and various types of stains. You can use lemons to clean virtually every surface in your house, from your microwave to your cutting boards, and from your countertops to your floors. To use this fruit as a cleaning agent, take a slice of fresh lemon and squeeze the juice into a mixture of water and vinegar. Spray the solution on various surfaces and simply wipe it away. You will be left with a clean surface and a pleasant aroma, too!

How to benefit from Lemon water

Simply take a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice, vinegar, and lime juice each morning on an empty stomach.   If you do this daily you will notice better-looking skin, weight loss, more energy, better brain cognition with the ability to focus better and you will be preventing heart and cancer disease.  Even if you took Lemon water only once a week, it would be a benefit to you.