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Category: TV watching

Is TV Bad for Your Health?

Is TV Bad for Your Health?

Can TV be Bad for Your Health

Is TV Good?

Watching television is the most common daily activity apart from work and sleep in many parts of the world, but it is time for people to change their tv viewing habits.   According to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers, stated that  prolonged TV viewing has been associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.  The study appears in the June 15, 2011, edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Reading through the study it is not evident that there are any fundamental facts that show that T.V. could cause health problems.    Considering this study, One could say that maybe “sitting around” causes health problems, not watching T.V.    TV does not inject any viruses or contaminate bodily organs, and no evidence has proven this.     Others might say that watching T.V. does cause health problems, because it causes people to be upset.   Well again, the tv does not upset people, it is the lying politicians, the derogatory people and movies that upset people.   If viewers are watching some of the news agencies that lie repeatedly, they could say that watching such news broadcasts would cause people to be angry and edge themselves toward cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure.   Again tv does not cause this, but the directors of tv programs do cause it and perhaps something should be done to hold them accountable.

Lets look at some of the conclusions of those involved with this study.  Frank Hu said, “The message is simple. Cutting back on TV watching can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and premature mortality. “   Again it sounds like tv is somehow infecting people with diseases, but more correctly it should be stated that sitting around or the listening to irritating news and programs is the cause of diabetes, heart disease and premature mortality.    We should not only promote increasing physical activity levels, but also reduce sedentary behaviors, especially prolonged TV watching,”     Senior author Frank Hu, is a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at HSPH.   Again one must ask how does a nutritionist certify as expert in the results of TV watching.

A better way to study this tv matter would be to say, “Let’s look at what people do each day and consider, which of their activities could be the causes of heart disease and diabetes.”  We know that most people divide their days largely between working, eating, and sleeping.   The researchers claim that in addition to working, eating and sleeping, the next biggest thing they do is watch tv.   According to these same researchers, Europeans spend an average of 40 percent of their daily free time in front of the television set; Australians, 50 percent. This corresponds to three to four hours of daily viewing — still less than the alleged reported average of five hours in the U.S.   Many previous studies have also been documented about watching too much tv.   Perhaps the cause of heart disease and diabetes is being sedentary rather than just watching tv.      In this study, I did not see food being alleged as a cause of heart disease or diabetes, which would be more appropriate for a nutritionist as Mr. Hu is.    Nevertheless, many studies have indicated that a poor diet is a very probable cause of heart disease.     Other studies show that a lack of exercise can cause heart disease, which would also insinuate that too much sedentary behavior is a cause of cancer.    How about too much sedentary living as a cause of weight gain, or a healthy vascular system.   The heart does need vigorous activity to provide the heart with its needed exercise to keep it healthy?

How about anger and other negative feelings being a cause of cancer, both of which can occur when watching some of the twisted truths that you hear on the news stations.   According to a study conducted Dec 13, 2004, the research showed that Anger and other negative emotions can cause strokes or heart disease.   In the news on a daily basis, you can hear things that are so blatantly false, that when alleged against someone you care about, they can make you very angry to the point of raising blood pressure.   Along the same lines, emotional and mental stress can cause stress on the heart and bring about stroke.    Afterall, stroke is the no 3 cause of death.   In any case in this study 200 people near the age of 68, were observed and tested.   The summation stated that anger, negative emotions, and guilt were found to be trigger causes of heart disease and stroke.   The data from these two hundred people indicated that two hours before a stroke; anger, negative emotions, and sudden body position changes, were common trigger causes.    In summation, it could just as easily be declared that watching irritating, lying, news castors could be more of a cause of heart disease than just watching tv.     

As consumers, we should never be sucked into to conclusions that are wrongly derived from supposed studies and research projects.   As a summation, always look at the basis for the studies, the parameters, and how conclusions are derived.   After considering the processes of the study, come to your own conclusion.    The end.