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Benefits of Lemon Water

Benefits of Lemon Water

People have been drinking lemon water for centuries.   People have called bad purchases “lemons” like that is the worst thing you can buy (the bad lemon car).   There are comments such as “if life gives you a lemon, make lemon-aid as if a bad life can be described as a lemon.   Conversely, the fact is, from a health perspective, that lemons are one of the best foods you can eat.   They are one of the most health enriching foods that can be found.   

Americans want to lose weight, have beautiful skin, be smart and have plenty of energy.   Did you know that Lemons help with all of these desires?    Lemon juice can help us reduce our weight.  Lemon juice raises our metabolic rate, which in turn, helps us lose weight.   Besides weight loss benefits, there are many more benefits for drinking lemon water.   How about preventing cognitive brain disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.   How about the benefit of preventing the appearance of wrinkles and lines on one’s face as they grow older?   There are so many benefits for drinking lemon juice.

Please consider some of the following not so obvious benefits of lemons:

  • Lemons have been shown to fight cancers.
  • Lemons are heart medicine and studies prove they reduce cholesterol.
  • Lemon water reduces depression and anxiety while increasing the ability to focus. 
  • Lemons have an anti-inflammatory property that aids in fighting respiratory infections, sore throats, the common cold, and inflamed tonsils.
  • Lemons reduce skin problems such as acne, dark spots, rashes, lines or wrinkles.

·       Lemons are a rich source of Vitamin C, which bolsters your immune system.

  • Lemon juice will help maintain your body’s pH balance.
  • Lemons help with digestion.
  • Lemons are a great source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and other essential vitamins and nutrients.
  • Lemon juice helps with dental hygiene, preventing gingivitis, halitosis, and toothaches.
  • lemon juice reduces joint and muscle pain caused by free radicals.
  • Lemon juice keeps your body hydrated and provides electrolytes.
  • Lemon juice cleanses toxins from our liver and blood.
  • Lemons have nutrient powers to brighten your skin and reduce wrinkles.

Lemons are not just a food additive that can bring out the taste of fish, lobster, chicken, and pork.  Lemons are packed with vital nutrients that can do a world of good for your overall health. They contain antiseptic qualities for treating and preventing various health conditions, from scurvy in the 16th and 17th centuries to halitosis in the present times.  Consider some of the following features of lemons for your health.  

1. Lemons support heart health

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, a single serving of lemon juice offers about 31 mg of this essential vitamin, which is half of the daily recommended amount.  Research has shown that adding foods to your diet that are rich in vitamin C can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The high amount of vitamin C that lemons contain isn’t the only reason why they are good for your heart; they are packed with fiber and contain plant compounds (specifically diosmin and hesperidin) that have been shown to drastically reduce the risk factors for developing heart disease.  They reduce high levels of LDL cholesterol.  If you eat 24 grams of citrus fiber extract for one month, your blood cholesterol levels will be reduced.

2. Lemons can reduce the risk of stroke

The American Heart Association produced a study that shows that men and particularly women, who eat higher amounts of flavonoid compounds found in lemons, have a lower risk of having a stroke.   In this study, women who consumed larger amounts of the compounds found in lemons were found to have a 19 percent lower risk of a stroke than women who had fewer flavonoids in their diets.   Flavonoids are believed to lower the risk of stroke for a number of reasons, including the improved function of the blood vessels, circulation, and an anti-inflammatory effect. All of these elements are important for reducing the risk of stroke.  So if you want to safeguard yourself from such life-changing catastrophes, consider “lemons.”

3. Lemon Juice can help prevent cancer

Research studies have revealed that lemons can prevent certain types of cancer. That is because lemons are loaded with compounds and antioxidants that fight off the cells that cause certain types of cancer. One study found that lemon juice was able to eradicate breast cancer cells.

Another study found that lemon juice prevents the growth of cells that are related to many types of cancer. This citrus fruit is rich in hesperidin and d-limonene, two compounds that have been found to contain properties that prevent cancer. It is because of the powerful compounds found in lemons that they are recommended food for cancer prevention.

4. Ingredients in Lemons strengthen the immune system

As mentioned, lemons are a very rich source of vitamin C, and vitamin C has been found to strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, lemons are very rich in antioxidants, and they can stave off inflammation.

Research studies have found that the antioxidants found in lemons can neutralize the damage caused by free radicals, which means they can help to protect the cells of the immune system. Additionally, they can shield the body from various infections and illnesses that are caused by viruses and bacteria. Researchers suggest that consuming one lemon per day can drastically improve the function of the immune system.  Therefore, if you want to avoid a cold, the flu, or many other types of ailments, consider drinking more lemon juice.

5. Lemon water can prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are tiny deposits of waste that crystallize and collect in the kidneys, which are extremely painful. Those who suffer from kidney stones once, are more likely to have them again. It has been determined that drinking lemon water can prevent the development of kidney stones.  That’s because they are high in citric acid, which increases the volume of urine produced. It also increases the pH levels in the urine. By doing so, the environment in your kidneys is less hospitable for the production of kidney stones and in this way kidney stones are prevented from forming. All that is needed is the drinking of  ½  a cup of lemon juice each day.

6.Lemon Juice can Help prevent Diabetes

Every day, your body requires about 20 to 38 grams of fiber. Most of us get very little fiber daily in our lives. This can cause digestion issues, which are not comfortable or healthy. Bad digestion can cause hemorrhoids and constipation; neither are fun. When you add more fiber in your diet, you are less likely to develop heart disease and diabetes. A medium-sized lemon has about 2.5 grams of fiber in it. 

7. Lemon water aids in weight management

If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight, you might want to consider adding more lemons to your diet. Lemons are among the best foods for weight loss.  Research claims that the plant compounds in lemons aid in weight loss, and the research shows that these compounds can minimize weight gain.  Lemon water actually increases your metabolism as well to help you burn more fat.

8. Lemons can enhance your energy levels

When you find yourself tired out, instead of reaching for a glass of water, try drinking a glass of lemon water.  Studies have found that drinking lemon water increases energy levels.   Why? – Because the body gets its energy from the molecules and atoms that are present in food. Since lemons contain ions that are negatively charged, they naturally boost your energy levels.

In addition to making you feel more energetic, lemons can improve your overall mood. Studies have shown that just smelling a lemon can reduce stress levels, thereby improving a person’s mood. So, when you need a pick-me-up, instead of coffee, try drinking lemon water. If you are stressed out, you can drink lemon water, eat a lemon, or simply smell one, and you will notice a difference in your mood.

9. Lemon Juice enhances the absorption of iron

Iron is a vital mineral. It is one of the primary elements found in hemoglobin, a compound found in the red blood cells that transport oxygenated blood throughout the body. The high amounts of vitamin C found in Lemons helps to promote the absorption of iron, thereby preventing the development of iron-deficiency anemia. Research has revealed that an intake of 100 mg of vitamin C prior to eating, can increase the absorption of iron by nearly 70 percent. Since lemons are so rich in vitamin C and they also contain iron, it is a fact that drinking lemon juice will increase your body’s absorption of iron. 

10. Lemons can improve digestion

The juices in lemons are similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach.  For that reason alone, lemons are an effective way to improve digestion. The chemical makeup of lemons actually causes the liver to produce more bile.   Bile helps to improve the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, thereby improving digestion.

Studies on animals have demonstrated that lemons protect the function of the liver by reducing oxidation damage, thereby aiding indigestion. Additionally, lemons promote regularity because they help to relieve constipation.  Eating lemons helps the digestive process of food so that more vitamins are obtained by the body from less food.   Thus, drinking more lemon water does result in weight loss and helps the body to be more effective in absorbing the nutrients from the foods you eat.

11. Lemons can prevent wrinkles

If you are looking for a natural way to retain your youthful appearance, drink more lemon juice.   Lemons contain a high amount of antioxidants, which are powerful in fighting off cellular damage caused by free radicals. Skin cells can be negatively affected by free-radical damage, which can cause premature aging, reduced skin elasticity and ultimately results in fine lines,  wrinkles, dryness and age spots.

Scientific studies have revealed that the antioxidants found in lemons are very effective in slowing down the aging process and for improving the overall health and appearance of the skin.

12. They freshen your breath

If you suffer from chronic bad breath (a condition known as halitosis), you may want to look to lemons as a remedy. In fact, lemons have been found to be  an effective way to treat bad breath. Why? – Because they contain antimicrobial, phytochemical, and antioxidant compounds that can kill off the fungus and bacteria that cause bad breath.

13. Lemons can lower cholesterol levels

Lemons are good for your heart.  The reason? – Lemons, as mentioned, contain pectin fiber, a type of soluble fiber that plays a key role in the health of your colon. During the process of digestion, pectin fiber attaches to unhealthy cholesterols and carbohydrates located in the gastrointestinal tract and thus decreases the absorption of glucose.  There is proof of this.  Studies have found that consuming pectin fiber can effectively lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream by reducing the absorption of bad cholesterol, both from bile and from food. Since many of the carbohydrates that people consume contain high amounts of bad cholesterol, eating lemons can be an effective way to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

14. Lemons can alleviate acne

Aside from making your skin beautiful, reducing wrinkles, lines, brown spots, lemons can prevent acne and blemishes.  Why? – Because lemons contain antimicrobial properties. It is those properties that can help to combat the impact of dirt, bacteria, and other debris that accumulates on the surface of the skin.   Furthermore, the acidic properties of lemons reduce the production of body oils that contribute to acne.

15. Lemon ingredients will boost the function of the liver

Your liver is the largest internal organ, and it plays a vital role in your well-being. It serves as the filtration system for your blood and is responsible for cleansing toxins and other impurities from your blood.  The food we eat and the medicines we take are cleansed by the means of the liver.   While the liver has the ability to regenerate itself, if it is overwhelmed with toxins and impurities, its ability to function can be severely reduced.  Consuming lemon juice is very beneficial in restoring the functionality of your liver.

Once again, this is because of the powerful antioxidants that lemons contain. These antioxidants fight off free radical damage and they flush out toxins that accumulate in the liver. Therefore, if you want to improve the function of your liver, you should certainly consider eating more lemons.

16. Lemon Juice promotes a healthy pregnancy

For pregnant women, lemons can be extremely beneficial; both for the mother and for the baby.   As has already been stated, lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, a nutrient, that pregnant women are often deficient in. That’s because their babies are absorbing large amounts of the vitamins C that is available, leaving little for the mothers. More lemon juice would equate to more vitamin C for both mother and baby.

Lemons ease constipation, which is a common side effect of pregnancy.  Off course we have already mentioned that lemons help with digestion and thus decrease constipation and irregularity. Lemons are an excellent source of folate, a nutrient that is important to pregnancy, as it reduces the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. By consuming more lemons, pregnant women would not need as many man-made supplements to maintain theirs’s and the baby’s health.

17. Ingredients in Lemons improve mental health

Another profound benefit of lemons is that they can slow down mental degeneration while growing old.  That is because brain degeneration is caused by the high amount of free radical and Lemons provide high amounts of antioxidants that can combat them.   If you want to avoid dementia and Alzheimer’s, you need to drink more lemon water.   There is no cure for these conditions, but drinking lemon water can help to prevent them from ever happening.  As mentioned, antioxidants help to combat the cellular damage that is caused by free radicals, thereby preventing cognitive decline. Furthermore, the high levels of vitamin C found in lemons also contribute to their effectiveness for combating the mental decline. If cognitive health conditions run in your family, increasing your intake of lemons may be an effective way to maintain a healthy brain and prevent serious cognitive conditions.

18. Lemons can reduce anxiety

In addition to preventing cognitive decline, lemons may be able to improve your mental health in another way; they may reduce the effects of anxiety. Studies have found that the scent of lemons produces a calming effect that relieves anxiety and its symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, tension, stress, and mental and physical exhaustion.  

19. Lemon juice is an all-natural cleaning agent

Lemons do more than offer profound benefits for your health; they are also an excellent natural cleaning agent. That’s because lemons contain antibacterial properties which can effectively kill germs, bacteria, and even mold. Lemons can eliminate unpleasant odors.

Furthermore, the citric acid that lemons contain has the ability to cut through all types of dirt, grime, rust, limescale, and various types of stains. You can use lemons to clean virtually every surface in your house, from your microwave to your cutting boards, and from your countertops to your floors. To use this fruit as a cleaning agent, take a slice of fresh lemon and squeeze the juice into a mixture of water and vinegar. Spray the solution on various surfaces and simply wipe it away. You will be left with a clean surface and a pleasant aroma, too!

How to benefit from Lemon water

Simply take a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice, vinegar, and lime juice each morning on an empty stomach.   If you do this daily you will notice better-looking skin, weight loss, more energy, better brain cognition with the ability to focus better and you will be preventing heart and cancer disease.  Even if you took Lemon water only once a week, it would be a benefit to you.   

GMO Danger

GMO Danger

Template design logo gmo free. Vector illustration of icon Stock Vector - 67324867

Choose Non GMO Foods

Non-GMO means non-genetically modified organisms. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are new never-before-created novel organisms, which were engineered or created in laboratories.   These GMO created plants are made using special non-natural gene modification techniques.   Scientists, consumer groups, and environmental groups have published many health and environmental concerns, damage issues and health risks that are a direct result of foods containing GMOs.   As a result, many people in the United States and around the world, are demanding “non-GMO” foods.

Genetically modified foods

Consider how genetic modified or engineered food is produced.   Scientists remove genes from the natural foods and replace them with genes from animals and bacterium, viruses, and other plants.   They then take these modified genes and recombine them to the DNA string of the original plant that they want to alter.    Scientists do this in hopes of creating plants that have special characteristics such as being able to produce their own pesticides or being able to be modified with more appealing characteristics such as being larger, sweater, improved shapes and sizes and easier for food processing and packaging.   For example, genetic scientists have taken genes from bacterium known as Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) and placed them into the DNA of corn.   Bt genes produce a protein that kills insects, and which allows the corn to have a natural ability to produce its own pesticide.

Health Hazards of GM Foods

Below are several documented findings showing health dangers from GM foods.

Rats fed Monsanto’s GM corn NK603 and tiny trace amounts of Roundup herbicide over a two-year period (the longest ever feeding study involving a GM food) developed severe liver and kidney damage, disturbance to pituitary gland function, and hormonal disruption. Additional findings included increased rates of large tumors and premature deaths. The study was first published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology but was later retracted due to pressure by pro-GMO scientists and groups. It was later republished in Environmental Sciences Europe.


A study found that pigs fed GM corn and soy over 22.7 weeks, suffered more severe stomach inflammation than pigs fed a non-GMO diet.  GM-fed female pigs had on average a 25% heavier uterus than non-GM-fed female pigs, a possible indication of disease that requires further investigation.

Rats fed the GM Bt corn MON810 for 45 and 91 days showed differences in body organ size and body weights and in blood biochemistry, compared with rats fed a non-GMO variety grown side-by-side in the same conditions. The authors suggested that the differences and changes in the animal bodies could indicate “potential adverse health/toxic effects,” which needed further investigation.

Mice fed a diet of GM Bt potatoes showed abnormalities in the cells and structures of the small intestine, indicating mild damage to the intestines. A control group of mice fed non-GMO potatoes containing a naturally occurring Bt toxin showed no abnormalities. The test shows that the Bt toxin does not break down during digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

A study conducted in Canada detected significant levels of the insecticidal Bt corn protein, Cry1Ab, circulating in the blood of pregnant women and in the blood supply to unborn fetuses. Again, this is another study that shows that the Bt toxin does not break down in digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

Secondary problems of GM Crops

According to a study published by published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook, GM crops have increased overall pesticide use by 404 million pounds from 1996 through 2011.

The widespread use of glyphosate herbicide used with herbicide tolerant GM corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton has led to the creation of herbicide resistant weeds, which now has infested 60 millions of acres of farmland throughout the United States.

A 2007 published study by an Indiana University environmental science professor, found that GM corn caused increased mortality and reduced growth in caddisflies, aquatic insects that are a food resource for higher organisms like fish and amphibians.

Genetically modified crops are passing their modified genes to organic and non-GMO crops.  This has caused frustration and hardship on farmers trying to maintain Organic status for their crops.   The risks and effects of GMO contamination has unfairly burdened organic farmers with extra work, longer hours, and financial insecurity.

Potentially dangerous Technology

One of the main problems with genetic engineering is that the process of inserting genes into the DNA of a food plant is not precise.   Scientists inject the gene, but they cannot guarantee where the gene will go.   It could combine with the original DNA in ways that have not been considered and which could cause unforeseen damage.   Then that plant may somehow be crossbred with other natural plant in ways that are also unforeseen and that cause tremendous damage to all life.  New plants can suddenly arise with new proteins, new ways of disrupting life as we know it.   This potential for out of control adaptations of life is much worse than is evolution, because it is not the natural adaptation, but a completely unnatural adaptation with totally unpredicted and unknown results.   This can disrupt the functioning of other genes and produce a cross of genes that have never been in the food supply and which could be totally toxic to people.   Furthermore, it could create food with unheard of allergens that can not be dealt with by the human body.

Genetic modification is based on an obsolete scientific theory

Genetic modification is based on a theory called the Central Dogma, which asserts that one gene will express one protein. However, scientists working with the United States National Human Genome Research Institute discovered that this wasn’t true, that genes operate in a complex network in ways that are not fully understood. This finding undermines the entire basis for genetic engineering.

Genetically modified crops being grown in the US?

  • Corn (includes derivatives such as high fructose corn syrup)

  • Soybeans (fake chicken nuggets etc.)

  • Cotton

  • Canola

  • Sugar beets (most sugar comes from sugar beets)

  • Alfalfa

  • Papaya

  • Yellow “crook neck” squash

  • Zucchini

  • “Arctic” apple

  • “Innate” potato

rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)

About 10% – 15% of cows in the US have been injected with a genetically modified bovine growth hormone called rBGH (rBST).   rBGH has such a negative reputation that it has been banned in many countries.   rBGH  has been banned mainly because of the negative health impacts on cows.   In the US, major food retailers and restaurants such as Wal-Mart, Safeway, Starbucks, and McDonald’s refuse to sell products that include milk produced with rBGH.

Would you like to know where to Start to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods.

  1. Avoid processed foods containing ingredients from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, and cotton.

    More than 70% of processed foods found in retail stores and restaurants contain ingredients derived from GE corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton. In addition, half the sugar used in food products comes from GM sugar beets.

  2. Look for Non-GMO Project verified products.
    These food products have gone through a rigorous verification program to minimize the risk of GMO contamination, giving you the best assurance they are non-GMO. For more information visit

  1. Shop online at Thrive Market. is a new online store that offers up to 50% off the retail price on all your favorite organic and non-gmo brands. It’s a great way to avoid GM foods without breaking the bank and they have free shipping as well. Learn more HERE.

  2. Eat organic.
    Buying organic foods also offers assurance against the risks of genetic engineering because GM substances are prohibited in organic production.

  3. Buy locally grown foods.

    There is nothing better than locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables. Buying local supports farmers and keeps food dollars in the community. Another option is a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, which you pay a membership fee to a local farmer and receive fresh organic produce throughout the growing season.

  4. Grow your own.
    Gardening is a great hobby, nourishing to the body, mind, and soil. You can also participate in urban agriculture projects that are sprouting nationwide.

  5. Utilize our Free eBook.
    We have written an eBook titled, “13 Tips for Buying Organic Food” which will show how to keep your family safe from the potential perils of GMOs. Download it for free HERE.

Recommended Further Reading

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GMO Can be Risky!

GMO Can be Risky!

Pigs eating GMO corn

Choose Non GMO Foods

GMO means genetically modified organisms. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are new never-before-created novel organisms, which were engineered and/or created in laboratories and not created by God.   These GMO created plants are made using special non-natural gene modification techniques.   Scientists, consumer groups, and environmental groups have published many health and environmental concerns, damage issues and health risks that are a direct result of foods containing GMOs.   As a result, many people in the United States and around the world, are demanding “non-GMO” foods.

Genetically modified foods

Consider how genetic modified or engineered food is produced.   Scientists remove genes from the natural foods and replace them with genes from animals such as bacterium, viruses, animals, and other plants.   They then take these modified genes and recombine them to the DNA string of the original plant that they want to alter.    Scientists do this in hopes of creating plants that have special characteristics such as being able to produce their own pesticides or being able to be modified with more appealing characteristics such as being larger, sweater, improved shapes and sizes and easier for food processing and packaging.   For example, genetic scientists have taken genes from a bacterium known as Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) and placed them into the DNA of corn.  Unnatural Bt genes produce a protein that kills insects, and which allows the corn to have a natural ability to produce its own pesticide.

Health Hazards of GM Foods

Below are several documented findings showing health dangers from GM foods.

Rats fed Monsanto’s GM corn NK603 and tiny trace amounts of Roundup herbicide over a two-year period (the longest ever feeding study involving a GM food) developed severe liver and kidney damage, and disrupts pituitary gland function, and hormonal function.  Additional findings included increased rates of large tumors and premature deaths. The study was first published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology but was later retracted due to pressure by pro-GMO scientists and groups. It was later republished in Environmental Sciences Europe.

A study found that pigs fed GM corn and soy over 22.7 weeks, suffered more severe stomach inflammation than pigs fed a non-GMO diet.  GM-fed female pigs had on average a 25% heavier uterus than non-GM-fed female pigs, which is a possible indication of disease that requires further investigation.

Rats fed the GM Bt corn MON810 for 45 and 91 days showed differences in body organ size and body weights and in blood biochemistry, compared with rats fed a non-GMO variety grown side-by-side in the same conditions. The authors suggested that the differences and changes in the animal bodies could indicate “potential adverse health/toxic effects,” which needed further investigation.

Mice fed a diet of GM Bt potatoes showed abnormalities in the cells and structures of the small intestine, indicating mild damage to the intestines. A control group of mice fed non-GMO potatoes containing a naturally occurring Bt toxin showed no abnormalities. The test shows that the Bt toxin does not break down during digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

A study conducted in Canada detected significant levels of the insecticidal Bt corn protein, Cry1Ab, circulating in the blood of pregnant women and in the blood supply to unborn fetuses. Again, this is another study that shows that the Bt toxin does not break down in digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

Side Effects of GM Crops

According to a study published by published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook, GM crops have increased overall pesticide use by 404 million pounds from 1996 through 2011.

The widespread use of glyphosate herbicide used with herbicide tolerant GM corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton has led to the creation of herbicide resistant weeds, which now has infested 60 millions of acres of farmland throughout the United States.

A 2007 published study by an Indiana University environmental science professor, found that GM corn caused increased mortality and reduced growth in caddis flies, aquatic insects that are a food resource for higher organisms like fish and amphibians.

Genetically modified crops are passing their modified genes to organic and non-GMO crops.  This has caused frustration and hardship on farmers trying to maintain Organic status for their crops.   The risks and effects of GMO contamination has unfairly burdened organic farmers with extra work, longer hours, and financial insecurity.

Potentially dangerous Technology

One of the main problems with genetic engineering is that the process of inserting genes into the DNA of a food plant is not precise.   Scientists inject the gene, but they cannot guarantee where the gene will go.   It could combine with the original DNA in ways that have not been considered and which could cause unforeseen damage.   Then that plant may somehow be crossbred with other natural plants in ways that are unforeseen and that eventually cause tremendous damage to all life.  New plants can suddenly arise with new proteins and with new ways of disrupting life as we know it.   This potential for out of control adaptations of life is much worse than is evolution, because it is not the natural adaptation, but a completely unnatural adaptation with totally unpredicted and unknown results.   This can disrupt the functioning of other genes and produce a cross of genes that have never been in the food supply and which could be totally toxic to people.   Furthermore, it could create food with unheard of allergens that cannot be dealt with by the human body.

Genetic modification is based on an obsolete scientific theory

Genetic modification is based on a theory called the Central Dogma, which asserts that one gene will express only one protein.  However, scientists working with the United States National Human Genome Research Institute discovered that this wasn’t true, that genes operate in a complex network in ways that are not fully understood. This finding undermines the entire basis for genetic engineering and the effects of changing genes is more complex than scientists were ever aware of.

Genetically modified crops in the US?

  • Corn (includes derivatives such as high fructose corn syrup)
  • Soybeans (fake chicken nuggets etc.)
  • Cotton
  • Canola
  • Sugar beets (most sugar comes from sugar beets)
  • Alfalfa
  • Papaya
  • Yellow “crook neck” squash
  • Zucchini
  • “Arctic” apple
  • “Innate” potato

rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)

Image result for images of Pigs eating gmo food

About 10% – 15% of cows in the US have been injected with a genetically modified bovine growth hormone called rBGH (rBST).   rBGH has such a negative reputation that it has been banned in many countries.   rBGH has been banned mainly because of the negative health impacts on cows.  It was so bad, that in the US, major food retailers and restaurants such as Wal-Mart, Safeway, Starbucks, and McDonald’s have now refused to sell products that include milk produced with rBGH.

Would you like to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods.

  1. Avoid processed foods containing ingredients from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, and cotton.
    More than 70% of processed foods found in retail stores and restaurants contain ingredients derived from Genetically engineered corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton. In addition, half the sugar used in food products comes from GM sugar beets.
  2. Look for Non-GMO or organic food products.
    Organic food products have gone through a rigorous verification program to minimize the risk of GMO contamination, giving you the best assurance that they are non-GMO. Buying organic foods also offers assurance against the risks of genetic engineering because GM substances are prohibited in organic production.
  3. Buy locally grown foods.
    There is nothing better than locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables. Buying local supports farmers and keeps food dollars in the community. Another option is a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, which you pay a membership fee to a local farmer and receive fresh organic produce throughout the growing season.
  4. Grow your own.
    Gardening is a great hobby, nourishing to the body, mind, and soil. You can also participate in urban agriculture projects that are sprouting nationwide.

Recommended Further Reading


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Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Go…


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Vitamins and Mineral Supplements- beneficial?

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements- beneficial?

Vitamins good or not any difference

Do vitamins taken in pill form do a person any good.   No, Say Scientists. Popping vitamins and mineral supplements may make you feel like you are doing something good for yourself, but they actually bring few health benefits and could even do harm, say researchers.   Despite that, there is some research that indicate that Folic acid and B-vitamins were associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke cited in a recent study dated May 29, 2018.   Other than that, there does not seem to be much evidence of any other benefits.   In every other regard, popping vitamins and mineral supplements does not seem to do any good and may even cause harm, say a team of researchers in Canada.  These same researchers and other researchers have been trying to determine whether common supplements such as multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin C would provide protection against heart disease, heart attack, stroke or premature death.  Again The answer was – not significantly or no measurable benefit.

In some older studies, Folic acid and B-vitamins were associated with a reduced risk for heart disease and stroke, but the evidence was insignificant.   However, niacin and antioxidants were linked to a very small increase in the risk for “all-cause mortality” (the term used to describe all of the deaths that occur in a group of people, regardless of the cause).

The study’s lead author, Dr. David Jenkins of St. Michael’s Hospital at the University of Toronto, said in a statement: “We were surprised to find so few positive effects for the most common supplements that people consume.”  While the review found that taking multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, or vitamin C do no harm, there is no evidence that they do any one any good.

Recently, significant data has shown that it is much more beneficial to rely on a healthy diet and healthy food to get your body’s needed vitamins, minerals and trace elements.   So far nothing has proven to be better than plant foods that are less processed such as fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Why Do you Need Protein?

Why Do you Need Protein?

Image result for picture of proteins molecule


If someone asked you what is the most important nutrient that you can take for your body, what would you say?   Let’s hope that you, and everyone else, knows that protein is the most important by far.   Protein is what your muscles, tendons and tissues are made of.  Your heart would stop without it.   Maybe the question that we should ask is “how much of the other stuff should we eat with our protein?”   We could phrase it another way, “what percentage of our meal should be protein and what percentage should be all the other nutrients?”   That is a question that is being asked regularly as the Ketogenic diet is making a greater move on the world scene.

When it comes to how much of the body is made of proteins, it’s hard to say.   We all know that muscle weighs about 8 times as much as fat.   For a person with an immense amount of muscle, a greater amount of protein is needed to maintain that muscle mass.   If someone else has a smaller amount of muscle mass, they would require less protein for the constant rebuilding and repairing of the body’s muscle cells.   Muscles move the food through the intestines, and the blood through the circulation system, and without these processes you would die.  If you think about all that the muscles do, you come to realize that you must take care of your muscles and tissue.   The lean body mass is basically the body without fat.   Take a way the bone weight and you have the part of the body that is dependent on proteins.   Therefore, let’s start with what we would consider our goal weight or our lean body mass.   Let’s decide how much protein is needed to repair all the muscles and  tissue for that much lean body mass.    Some scientists say that you should have 0.7 grams of protein per pound while others say 0.8 grams per  pound.   For weight gaining programs, they say you should have 1.0 grams of protein per pound.   From this information we could assume that an average amount, say around  0.75 grams per pound would be the right amount.    Therefore, if you weighed 100 pounds as your ideal weight, you would need 75 grams of protein per day.   The last word though is that there are many studies about how much protein we should be consuming.   The problems is that they all recommend different amounts of protein per lean body weight.    Therefore, the protein suggestions can only be a starting point for each individual and all of us must decide for ourselves how much protein we should be eating.

Protein Intake per Day?

Few nutrients are as important as protein. If you don’t get enough through your diet, your health and body composition will suffer.   Despite the fact that all research shows that we need to eat protein, none of the research agrees on how much protein is the right amount per day.   The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound.  That is less than half of what other studies show.   Other suggestions say 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man and 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.   Though this meager amount may be enough to prevent downright deficiency, studies show that it’s far from sufficient to ensure optimal health and body composition.

It turns out that the right amount of protein for any one individual depends on many factors, including their activity level, age, muscle mass, physique goals and current state of health.

Proteins — What are They?

Proteins are the main building blocks of muscles, tendons, organs and skin, as well as enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and various tiny molecules that serve the body.   Without protein, life as you know it would not be possible.

Proteins are made out of smaller molecules called amino acids.   These amino acids form long protein chains, which are then folded into complex shapes.  Some of these amino acids can be produced by your body, while you get others through your diet. The latter are called essential amino acids.

Protein is not just about quantity but also quality.   Generally speaking, animal products provide all essential amino acids that your body needs.   This makes sense, as animal tissues are similar to your own tissues.  If you’re eating animal products like meat, fish, eggs, or dairy every day, you’re likely getting the right amount of protein already.   However, if you don’t eat animal protein, getting all the proteins and amino acids your body needs is a bit more challenging.   Most people do not need protein supplements,  but they are helpful for athletes, dieters and bodybuilders.   Protein supplements are not all made the same way, therefore, research your protein supplements and learn about their ingredients before you commit them to your diet.

Proteins Can Aid Weight Loss

Protein is very important when it comes to losing weight.   Most people know that to lose weight you must take in fewer calories than you burn.  It’s well supported by science that eating protein can cause you to burn more calories and at the same time, be satisfied with less food (less calories).   Protein at around 25–30% of total food intake, has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day while lowering total food intake.   Yet, probably the most important contribution of protein to weight loss is its ability to reduce appetite, or the desire to want to eat more.   Proteins keeps you feeling full much better than both fat and carbs.

One study in obese men, showed that protein at 25% or more of total calories, will cause them to feel full and will reduce their desire to eat more.   It will cut the desire to have late night snacks.    In another study, women who increased their protein intake to 30% of calories ended up eating 441 fewer calories per day and lost 11 pounds in 12 weeks.   This is from simply adding more protein to their diet.  You might say that proteins not only help you lose weight, they prevent you from gaining weight in the first place.  In another study, an increase in protein from 15% to 18% of total calories, the amount of fat regained after weight loss was reduced by 50%.  Eating more protein makes it much easier to stick to any weight loss diet, whether it is a high carb, low carb or something in something between diet.    According to research, an intake of 30% protein, is ideal for weight loss.   This is about 150 grams of protein per day on a 2000 calorie diet.

Gain Muscle and Strength

Muscles are largely made of protein as our most tissues in your body.  Muscles are dynamic and constantly being broken down and rebuilt.   To gain muscle, your body must process more protein than what is broken down by lifting weights or exercising.   In other words, you need to take in more protein than your regular muscle mass consumes if you want to build more muscle mass. It’s well documented that a higher protein intake helps build muscle and strength.  People who want to maintain muscle need to increase their protein intake when losing body fat, as this will help prevent losing muscle while losing weight during dieting.  

When it comes to muscle mass, studies usually don’t look at the percentage of calories you consume to determine the needed amount of protein, but instead they look at the daily grams of protein per your weight.   A common recommendation for gaining muscle is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, or 2.2 grams of protein per kg.  If you’re carrying a lot of body fat, you should use either your lean mass, or your goal weight, to determine how much protein you need.

Protein – How much is Right???

Protein – How much is Right???


Ketogenic diet and Protein?

If someone asked you what is the most important nutrient that you can take for your body, what would you say.   Let’s hope that you and everyone knows that protein is the most important by far.   Protein is what your muscles are made of.  Your heart would stop without it.    That being said, how much of the other stuff should we eat along with our protein?  Or we could phrase that another way, what percentage of our meal should be protein and what percentage should be fats, all the other nutrients?   That is a question that is being asked regularly as the Ketogenic diet is making a greater move on the world scene.

Everyone’s body is made up of two thirds water.   When it comes to how much of that body and the water are used to make up muscle, it is hard to say.   We all know that muscle weighs about 8 times as much as fat.   For a person with an immense amount of muscle a greater amount of protein is needed to maintain that muscle mass.   If someone else has a smaller frame and muscle mass they would require less protein for the constant rebuilding and repairing of the body’s muscle cells.   Muscles move the food through the intestines, and the blood through the circulation system.  If you think about all that the muscles do, you come to realize what the lean body mass is, it is basically the body without fat.   Therefore lets start with what we would consider our goal weight or our lean body mass.   Then let’s decide how much protein is needed to repair all the muscle tissue for that much lean body mass.    Some scientists say that you should have 0.7 grams of protein per pound while others say 0.8 grams per  pound.   For weight gaining programs, they say you should have 1.0 grams of protein per pound.   From this information we have decided to take an average – 0.75 grams per pound as our recommendation.   Therefore, if you weighed 100 pounds as your ideal weight, you would need 75 grams of protein per day.   The last word though is that there are many studies about how much protein we should be consuming per pound of lean body weight, but they are all different.  Therefore, they can only be a starting point for each individual and all of us must decide for ourselves how much protein we should be eating.

Ketogenic Weight Loss foods

Ketogenic Weight Loss foods

Weight Loss ketogenic Foods

To continue our weight loss posting for July and August (turmeric, intermittent fasting, steam cooking, Ketogenic diet, and Salt) let us decide what are some good foods to consider when participating in weight loss.

Number 1 – Broccoli.

Broccoli is so good for curing or preventing cancer, including prostate cancer, that a man once tried to patent broccoli sprouts as the cure for cancer.   A cup of broccoli can reduce insulin resistance and help a person overcome type 2 diabetes.   Broccoli is a super food and one cup of chopped broccoli contains only 4 grams of carbohydrates.

Number 2 – Spinach

Spinach is a super food as well.   It can be ground up and put into eggs to form a type of egg omelet.   Spinach helps to prevent damage to a person’s DNA.  It helps to maintain the heart and the cardiovascular system.   Spinach decreases the likelihood of having cataracts and macular degeneration (common eye diseases).  One cup of Spinach contains almost no carbs.

Number 3 –Avocados

Avocados are high in fats and therefore are compatible for the Ketogenic diet.   A study has shown that people who eat one serving (3 grams of carbs) of Avocados have been shown to feel full and have no desire to eat for the next 5 hours.   Avocados are helpful in reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.   In other words, it can reduce blood pressure.

Number 4 – Cauliflower

Cauliflower is much like broccoli as it helps provide protection against cancer and heart disease.   One good use of cauliflower is that it can be used in place of potatoes, which are much higher in carbs.   One cup of cauliflower has only 2 grams of carbs.   You could eat it all day and still lose weight.

Number 5 – Green Beans (string beans)

Green Beans or string beans have only 10 grams of carbohydrates per cup, which is lower than most Legumes.   They are significant in reducing brain dysfunction that comes with aging.   Green beans have cancer fighting properties as well. .

Number 6 – Kale

Kale is a vegetable that’s extremely nutrient dense and qualifies it to be another super food.  It is loaded with antioxidants, including quercetin and kaempferol.  It can significantly help the body fight off free radicals and slow the aging process.

Number 7 – Green and Yellow Squash

Squash is low in carbs and can be cooked in the steam cooker along with most of the rest of the above mentioned foods.   Squash is very high in vitamin C and it contains a variety of nutrients that promote good health and protect the body from colds and flues.  One cup contains only 4 grams of carbohydrates.

Number 8 – Cucumbers

Cucumbers have only 1 gram of carbohydrates per serving.   Perhaps the best way to eat cucumbers is in the form of pickles added to a steamed selection of vegetables.   Pickles can be purchased in most grocery stores across the country in bottles that contain vinegar.   As you know apple cider vinegar is a great diuretic, but some brands also contain high fructose corn syrup which we should avoid like sugar.

Number 9 –Tomatoes

Tomatoes have a number of impressive health benefits.  They’re low in digestible carbs. One cup (149 grams) of cherry tomatoes contains only 6 grams of carbs.  Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A, C and K and they are high in potassium.   They can help reduce the chances of having a stroke.

Eating tomatoes has shown that they help strengthen the endothelial cells that line your arteries, and their high lycopene content helps prevent prostate cancer.  Tomatoes do not need to be cooked and eating them with fats found in meat (hamburgers) helps in the absorption of lycopene.

Number 10 – Onions

Of course onions also go well with hambergers.   They have high amounts of antioxidants that help to fight of colds.   A half cup (58 grams) of sliced raw onions contains 6 grams of carbs.   Onions are high in the antioxidant quercetin, which can lower blood pressure.

One study in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) found that eating red onions reduced LDL cholesterol levels.

Number 11 – Turmeric as a seasoning

Sprinkle Turmeric on your eggs, hamburger, cooked vegetables or anywhere that you can enjoy it.   Turmeric kills candida and helps to eliminate arthritis and joint problems.  It helps increase your metabolism.   It helps increase your brain cognition.  It helps reduce blood pressure.

Bottom line

Finally, as you eat these top recommended foods for your Ketogenic diet, remember that to eliminate fats is a recipe for failure.  You are not trying to eliminate fats!!!!  Though society has drummed into our heads to avoid fats and eat carbohydrates, you have to remove that idea from your thinking if you want to lose weight.

Ketosis and ketogenic diets are now being studied as a treatment for a wide variety of conditions including the following:

  • Heart disease: A ketogenic diet reduces cholesterol.
  • Type 2 diabetes:The diet improves insulin sensitivity by up to 75%.
  • Metabolic syndrome:Ketogenic diets reduce high triglycerides, excess belly fat, and high blood pressure.
  • Alzheimer’s disease:A ketogenic benefits patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Cancer:Some studies suggest that ketogenic diets aid in cancer therapy, possibly by “starving” cancer cells of glucose.
  • Parkinson’s disease:A small study found that symptoms of Parkinson’s disease improved after 28 days on a ketogenic diet.
  • Acne:There is evidence that a ketogenic diet reduces the severity and progression of acne.