Is TV Bad for Your Health?

Is TV Bad for Your Health?

Can TV be Bad for Your Health

Is TV Good?

Watching television is the most common daily activity apart from work and sleep in many parts of the world, but it is time for people to change their tv viewing habits.   According to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers, stated that  prolonged TV viewing has been associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.  The study appears in the June 15, 2011, edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Reading through the study it is not evident that there are any fundamental facts that show that T.V. could cause health problems.    Considering this study, One could say that maybe “sitting around” causes health problems, not watching T.V.    TV does not inject any viruses or contaminate bodily organs, and no evidence has proven this.     Others might say that watching T.V. does cause health problems, because it causes people to be upset.   Well again, the tv does not upset people, it is the lying politicians, the derogatory people and movies that upset people.   If viewers are watching some of the news agencies that lie repeatedly, they could say that watching such news broadcasts would cause people to be angry and edge themselves toward cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure.   Again tv does not cause this, but the directors of tv programs do cause it and perhaps something should be done to hold them accountable.

Lets look at some of the conclusions of those involved with this study.  Frank Hu said, “The message is simple. Cutting back on TV watching can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and premature mortality. “   Again it sounds like tv is somehow infecting people with diseases, but more correctly it should be stated that sitting around or the listening to irritating news and programs is the cause of diabetes, heart disease and premature mortality.    We should not only promote increasing physical activity levels, but also reduce sedentary behaviors, especially prolonged TV watching,”     Senior author Frank Hu, is a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at HSPH.   Again one must ask how does a nutritionist certify as expert in the results of TV watching.

A better way to study this tv matter would be to say, “Let’s look at what people do each day and consider, which of their activities could be the causes of heart disease and diabetes.”  We know that most people divide their days largely between working, eating, and sleeping.   The researchers claim that in addition to working, eating and sleeping, the next biggest thing they do is watch tv.   According to these same researchers, Europeans spend an average of 40 percent of their daily free time in front of the television set; Australians, 50 percent. This corresponds to three to four hours of daily viewing — still less than the alleged reported average of five hours in the U.S.   Many previous studies have also been documented about watching too much tv.   Perhaps the cause of heart disease and diabetes is being sedentary rather than just watching tv.      In this study, I did not see food being alleged as a cause of heart disease or diabetes, which would be more appropriate for a nutritionist as Mr. Hu is.    Nevertheless, many studies have indicated that a poor diet is a very probable cause of heart disease.     Other studies show that a lack of exercise can cause heart disease, which would also insinuate that too much sedentary behavior is a cause of cancer.    How about too much sedentary living as a cause of weight gain, or a healthy vascular system.   The heart does need vigorous activity to provide the heart with its needed exercise to keep it healthy?

How about anger and other negative feelings being a cause of cancer, both of which can occur when watching some of the twisted truths that you hear on the news stations.   According to a study conducted Dec 13, 2004, the research showed that Anger and other negative emotions can cause strokes or heart disease.   In the news on a daily basis, you can hear things that are so blatantly false, that when alleged against someone you care about, they can make you very angry to the point of raising blood pressure.   Along the same lines, emotional and mental stress can cause stress on the heart and bring about stroke.    Afterall, stroke is the no 3 cause of death.   In any case in this study 200 people near the age of 68, were observed and tested.   The summation stated that anger, negative emotions, and guilt were found to be trigger causes of heart disease and stroke.   The data from these two hundred people indicated that two hours before a stroke; anger, negative emotions, and sudden body position changes, were common trigger causes.    In summation, it could just as easily be declared that watching irritating, lying, news castors could be more of a cause of heart disease than just watching tv.     

As consumers, we should never be sucked into to conclusions that are wrongly derived from supposed studies and research projects.   As a summation, always look at the basis for the studies, the parameters, and how conclusions are derived.   After considering the processes of the study, come to your own conclusion.    The end.

Should You Drink Water while Eating?

Should You Drink Water while Eating?


Have you ever been told that drinking water just before eating or while you are eating, will dilute the acid in your stomach and thereby make digestion much less efficient?   This is something that has been mentioned here and there among health-conscious people.   We decided to take a look at this claim.    We looked at many of the available studies that can be found on the web and we learned that the people most knowledgeable about digestion, have stated just the opposite.  They say that drinking water before, during and after eating, aids digestion and the body through this process.

Most medical people say that water helps transport nutrients through the body to supply it’s growth and repairs.  Water disseminates the increased body heat that arises during digestion.   Water consumed while eating precedes the movement of food and helps to provide lubrication for transfers of nutrients.   Water helps in the secretion of saliva.   The one factoid most interesting is that water helps break down the food being very important to the process of digestion.   Consuming water provides a replacement for water lost through digestion, sweating, and even the respiration water loss through breathing.

Some claim that drinking beverages with meals is bad because it can cause toxins to accumulate, leading to a variety of health issues.   To understand whether or not drinking water disturbs digestion, we should first understand the normal digestive process.

Digestion starts as soon as you start to chew your food. Chewing food activates the salivary glands to start producing saliva (which is 90 plus percent water).   Saliva contains enzymes that break down food.   Saliva, a watery liquid is involved in softening the proverbial stool, preparing it for transportation through the digestive process.              Initially, Water and Saliva smooth out the transition from the mouth through the esophagus and into the stomach.  Once in your stomach, food gets mixed with a sulfuric acidic juice, which further breaks it down and produces a thick liquid known as chyme.  Chyme cannot be produced without water.   Additionally, water is instrumental in transporting Chyme toward the small intestine.   In the small intestine, chyme is mixed with “digestive enzymes” from the pancreas and “bile acids” from the liver. The acids and digestive enzymes break down the nutrients in the chyme, preparing them to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  At this point, a large percentage of the nutrients are able to permeate the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream.   Only a small portion of nutrients remain to be processed and passed to the bloodstream.  This is done in the colon.  Once in the bloodstream, nutrients move through the body via liquids, which are mostly water.   The final step of digestion occurs when leftover materials are excreted from the colon through the rectum.  This is a process is also aided by the presence of liquids which are mostly water. The entire digestive process takes about 24 to 72 hours.   As we have described, water is an important part of digestion.

However, in order to be fair, we have looked at the claims of those who say drinking water prior to, during, or directly after eating, can be harmful.   The following are some of the most common arguments against drinking water while eating.

The first argument claims that drinking alcoholic beverages during eating, particularly hard liqueurs, dries up the production of saliva by 10 to 15%.   The data shows that this is not even true if moderation in drinking is practiced.  Despite this bit of information, it has no implications for drinking plain water.   Another claim is that acidic drinks can be harmful in the same way as liquors, by reducing saliva production.   However, the research we saw indicates that acidic drinks actually aid the production of saliva and they assist in the breakdown of food. Finally, there’s no scientifically established proof that alcoholic drinks, when consumed in moderation, cause reduced digestive functioning. Many claims that drinking water with meals dilutes stomach acid and digestive enzymes, making it more difficult for the body to digest food.  This claim implies that the body’s digestive system cannot adapt its acid secretions to the water content of the eaten food.   For example, pineapple, which is mostly water with an acidic quality, would be hard for the body to digest if adding water was a problem.  To assume that water dilutes the acid in your stomach is also false, for the same reason that adding water to a car battery increases the acidic value of the liquid in the battery when the water is at its proper level.  This idea of not drinking because it dilutes the stomach acid insinuates that the body is unable to regulate the acidic qualities in the digestive liquids.  Of course, this is not true; otherwise, it would be very detrimental to the digestive system.

A third popular argument against drinking liquids with meals states that fluids increase the speed at which solid foods exit the stomach and thus reduce the nutritional value of the food.   It is thought that reduced digestion time because of water moving the food through the system to fast, can reduce the meal’s contact time with stomach acid and digestive enzymes, resulting in poorer digestion.  As logical as this statement may sound, no scientific research supports it.  A study that analyzed the stomach’s emptying speed observed that, although liquids to pass through the digestive system more quickly than solids, it has no effect on the solids’ digestive speed.

The common thought among most researchers is that Americans should drink more plain water, without wine, beer or sugary juices.   This is for your body’s sake.    Drinking water is essential for overall health because it acts as a transportation system, circulating nutrients throughout the body and removing our waste products.   “The Benefits of Drinking water has many benefits over drinking sugar-laden sports drinks, sodas, and other unhealthy beverages.   Water is part of our bodies literally. The average adult human body is about 50 to 65 percent water, while the percentage of water in infants is at 79 percent. It’s common for the percentage of water in the body to decrease with age.  Despite that, water is a high percentage of all human bodies.

It seems a bit odd that in the United States, drinking water is second in popularity only to drinking manmade liquids.    This is despite the fact that soda drinks are a huge health concern, increasing the risk of obesity, stroke, and other heart complications.  On the opposite side of that is water which can reduce the harm and prevalence of heart-related diseases.   Water has a whole host of other benefits for the mind and the body in whole, but it would take to much space to relate them all here.

A constant supply of water is necessary to replenish the fluids lost through activities such as respiration, perspiration, and urination. In addition, water provides fluid for nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, digestion, and much more.   Drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water can act as a digestive aid.  Water is necessary to help you digest soluble fiber, which helps the bowel make well-formed, soft stools that are easy to pass.

A final argument, says that drinking too much water can be harmful.  Some say that drinking too much water can be fatal when it causes a condition of hyponatremia, also known as water intoxication. This occurs when the level of sodium — an electrolyte in the body that helps regulate the amount of water that’s in and around your cells —is abnormally low in your bloodstream.  This is so rare that almost no one has heard of it.

The last bit of a potential myth is something you have probably heard of.   It is the water rule of thumb: drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day, which is about 1.9 liters. However, no one knows where this originated and thus we can’t find any supporting research. Perhaps a better rule of thumb is to drink water when you feel an urge to.   Do this while remembering that according to the Mayo Clinic, an adequate general fluid intake for men is 3 liters (about 13 cups) and 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) for women.  Remember that water is the best beverage to consume, but it’s not the only source of hydration.  Stay hydrated.


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GMO Danger

GMO Danger

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Choose Non GMO Foods

Non-GMO means non-genetically modified organisms. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are new never-before-created novel organisms, which were engineered or created in laboratories.   These GMO created plants are made using special non-natural gene modification techniques.   Scientists, consumer groups, and environmental groups have published many health and environmental concerns, damage issues and health risks that are a direct result of foods containing GMOs.   As a result, many people in the United States and around the world, are demanding “non-GMO” foods.

Genetically modified foods

Consider how genetic modified or engineered food is produced.   Scientists remove genes from the natural foods and replace them with genes from animals and bacterium, viruses, and other plants.   They then take these modified genes and recombine them to the DNA string of the original plant that they want to alter.    Scientists do this in hopes of creating plants that have special characteristics such as being able to produce their own pesticides or being able to be modified with more appealing characteristics such as being larger, sweater, improved shapes and sizes and easier for food processing and packaging.   For example, genetic scientists have taken genes from bacterium known as Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) and placed them into the DNA of corn.   Bt genes produce a protein that kills insects, and which allows the corn to have a natural ability to produce its own pesticide.

Health Hazards of GM Foods

Below are several documented findings showing health dangers from GM foods.

Rats fed Monsanto’s GM corn NK603 and tiny trace amounts of Roundup herbicide over a two-year period (the longest ever feeding study involving a GM food) developed severe liver and kidney damage, disturbance to pituitary gland function, and hormonal disruption. Additional findings included increased rates of large tumors and premature deaths. The study was first published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology but was later retracted due to pressure by pro-GMO scientists and groups. It was later republished in Environmental Sciences Europe.


A study found that pigs fed GM corn and soy over 22.7 weeks, suffered more severe stomach inflammation than pigs fed a non-GMO diet.  GM-fed female pigs had on average a 25% heavier uterus than non-GM-fed female pigs, a possible indication of disease that requires further investigation.

Rats fed the GM Bt corn MON810 for 45 and 91 days showed differences in body organ size and body weights and in blood biochemistry, compared with rats fed a non-GMO variety grown side-by-side in the same conditions. The authors suggested that the differences and changes in the animal bodies could indicate “potential adverse health/toxic effects,” which needed further investigation.

Mice fed a diet of GM Bt potatoes showed abnormalities in the cells and structures of the small intestine, indicating mild damage to the intestines. A control group of mice fed non-GMO potatoes containing a naturally occurring Bt toxin showed no abnormalities. The test shows that the Bt toxin does not break down during digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

A study conducted in Canada detected significant levels of the insecticidal Bt corn protein, Cry1Ab, circulating in the blood of pregnant women and in the blood supply to unborn fetuses. Again, this is another study that shows that the Bt toxin does not break down in digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

Secondary problems of GM Crops

According to a study published by published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook, GM crops have increased overall pesticide use by 404 million pounds from 1996 through 2011.

The widespread use of glyphosate herbicide used with herbicide tolerant GM corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton has led to the creation of herbicide resistant weeds, which now has infested 60 millions of acres of farmland throughout the United States.

A 2007 published study by an Indiana University environmental science professor, found that GM corn caused increased mortality and reduced growth in caddisflies, aquatic insects that are a food resource for higher organisms like fish and amphibians.

Genetically modified crops are passing their modified genes to organic and non-GMO crops.  This has caused frustration and hardship on farmers trying to maintain Organic status for their crops.   The risks and effects of GMO contamination has unfairly burdened organic farmers with extra work, longer hours, and financial insecurity.

Potentially dangerous Technology

One of the main problems with genetic engineering is that the process of inserting genes into the DNA of a food plant is not precise.   Scientists inject the gene, but they cannot guarantee where the gene will go.   It could combine with the original DNA in ways that have not been considered and which could cause unforeseen damage.   Then that plant may somehow be crossbred with other natural plant in ways that are also unforeseen and that cause tremendous damage to all life.  New plants can suddenly arise with new proteins, new ways of disrupting life as we know it.   This potential for out of control adaptations of life is much worse than is evolution, because it is not the natural adaptation, but a completely unnatural adaptation with totally unpredicted and unknown results.   This can disrupt the functioning of other genes and produce a cross of genes that have never been in the food supply and which could be totally toxic to people.   Furthermore, it could create food with unheard of allergens that can not be dealt with by the human body.

Genetic modification is based on an obsolete scientific theory

Genetic modification is based on a theory called the Central Dogma, which asserts that one gene will express one protein. However, scientists working with the United States National Human Genome Research Institute discovered that this wasn’t true, that genes operate in a complex network in ways that are not fully understood. This finding undermines the entire basis for genetic engineering.

Genetically modified crops being grown in the US?

  • Corn (includes derivatives such as high fructose corn syrup)

  • Soybeans (fake chicken nuggets etc.)

  • Cotton

  • Canola

  • Sugar beets (most sugar comes from sugar beets)

  • Alfalfa

  • Papaya

  • Yellow “crook neck” squash

  • Zucchini

  • “Arctic” apple

  • “Innate” potato

rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)

About 10% – 15% of cows in the US have been injected with a genetically modified bovine growth hormone called rBGH (rBST).   rBGH has such a negative reputation that it has been banned in many countries.   rBGH  has been banned mainly because of the negative health impacts on cows.   In the US, major food retailers and restaurants such as Wal-Mart, Safeway, Starbucks, and McDonald’s refuse to sell products that include milk produced with rBGH.

Would you like to know where to Start to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods.

  1. Avoid processed foods containing ingredients from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, and cotton.

    More than 70% of processed foods found in retail stores and restaurants contain ingredients derived from GE corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton. In addition, half the sugar used in food products comes from GM sugar beets.

  2. Look for Non-GMO Project verified products.
    These food products have gone through a rigorous verification program to minimize the risk of GMO contamination, giving you the best assurance they are non-GMO. For more information visit

  1. Shop online at Thrive Market. is a new online store that offers up to 50% off the retail price on all your favorite organic and non-gmo brands. It’s a great way to avoid GM foods without breaking the bank and they have free shipping as well. Learn more HERE.

  2. Eat organic.
    Buying organic foods also offers assurance against the risks of genetic engineering because GM substances are prohibited in organic production.

  3. Buy locally grown foods.

    There is nothing better than locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables. Buying local supports farmers and keeps food dollars in the community. Another option is a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, which you pay a membership fee to a local farmer and receive fresh organic produce throughout the growing season.

  4. Grow your own.
    Gardening is a great hobby, nourishing to the body, mind, and soil. You can also participate in urban agriculture projects that are sprouting nationwide.

  5. Utilize our Free eBook.
    We have written an eBook titled, “13 Tips for Buying Organic Food” which will show how to keep your family safe from the potential perils of GMOs. Download it for free HERE.

Recommended Further Reading

Just click on this link

Just click on this link

Just click on this link

What are Lectins?

What are Lectins?

The reason that lectins are a recent concern, is because it has been discovered that the human does and cannot digest them.   An additional problem with lectins is that they can attach to the single cell membranes in the intestines and then enter the blood stream.  This cannot be a a good thing as lectins may go through the bloodstream and attach to other tissues, membranes and cells.   Lectins in the blood have been shown to cause blood cells to cluster together.  In the blood stream vessels this could be a severe problem.   They can also prevent the absorption of nutrients by cells and thus they are called antinutrients.   They can cause a person to have an upset stomach when plants with lectins are eaten without being cooked.   It is the reason that some people get sick when they eat undercooked foods.   In some studies, conducted by the FDA, the lectin in just four red kidney beans can cause severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  From these and other studies, it has been established that some foods with lectins can make people quite sick.   These same studies have shown that cooking with moisture, such as using steam, can help to reduce lectins in our foods.  Cooking can also break down the starches into simpler carbohydrates.   When lectins are cooked, they are also more likely to attach to carbohydrates and then pass through the body without causing any negative effects.  On the other hand, slow cookers, such as low heat crock pots are not recommended for preparing kidney beans because they do not have high enough heat to break down the lectins.  The main ways to break down lectins and make them harmless includes:

  • boiling
  • fermentation
  • sprouting
  • peeling
  • deseeding
  • pressure cooking

Positive Effects of Lectins

While lectins have some undesirable effects, they also have some positive ones. Small amounts of lectins may help the good bacteria that live in human digestive systems.  They can help attach to unneeded food particles that are not needed and then they can pass through without damage to the body.  

Research has been conducted that demonstrates that lectins can be used to help diagnose cancer cells.   Because lectins can attach to cancer cells and then block the absorption of nutrients, they can help to slow the growth of cancer cells.    In much the same way, they can prevent cancer cells from multiplying.   Researchers are even looking at lectins as potential treatments for illnesses caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

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A Lectin Free Diet

Would it be wise to consider a lectin-free diet?   Dr. Gundry popularized the lectin-free diet. He is a former heart surgeon who switched his focus to food and supplement-based medicine to prevent the need for heart surgery and other body decadence.

Dr. Gundry describes lectins as the main danger found in the American diet. In response, he has written a book that provides information on how to avoid lectins while suggesting alternative food choices and lectin free recipes.  According to his book, Dr. Gundry’s plan is to help people improve their health and reduce their weight through a lectin free diet.  The plan includes supplements Dr. Gundry has developed and that are sold under the GundryMD brand.

Alongside many other foods, Dr Gundry recommends eating sweet potatoes to limit the intake of lectins.

In addition to Dr. Gundry, other scientists also believe lectins are harmful and that they cause inflammation.   One study links lectin to autoimmune diseases, including celiac disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.    The concept is that these lectins can break through the digestive membranes and enter the blood stream.  Then they travel throughout the body attaching themselves to cartilage, bone, organs cellular systems such as blood and hormones.   This leaking of lectins into the blood stream happens when the lectins cause fissures and ulcerations in the intestines and which cause irritable bowel syndrome.  When the lectins travel throughout the body, they can cause the buildup of undigested lectin proteins in the bone joints causing variations of arthritis.  Then can cause lectin protein buildup in the cardio and vascular systems which can cause heart problems and high blood pressure.   However, many other surgeons believe that it is not lectins but man-made granulated sugar that causing these problems.   The studies have not been conducted long enough nor thorough enough to be conclusive.

One article discusses the research associated with wheat germ lectin. It has been determined that wheat germ lectins can impact the immune system and thereby reduce the body’s defenses against inflammation.  Long-term inflammation has been linked to serious medical conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and depression.   It could then be assumed that following a lectin-free diet could be a way to lower inflammation in the body. However, more research in humans is needed before the effect can be confirmed.

Disadvantages of lectin free diets

Eliminating grains, beans, certain vegetables and some fruits also eliminates some of the healthiest foods available.   This is the reason that it is so difficult for some people to follow such a diet for a long-term period.   For example, research has shown that consuming whole grains can help reduce heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, which might be more important than any of the damage caused by wheat lectins.  Fruits and vegetables also have many associated health benefits. Eating more fruits and vegetables can reduce multiple conditions, including heart and lung diseases. They may also impact cancer risk and help people avoid gaining weight.   A lectin-free diet would be difficult for vegetarians or vegans to follow, since legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains provide plant-based proteins, which is the only alternative to meats.   A final consideration is that lectins are required to help reduce constipation, because they are part of the fiber of most plant food.   Finally, following a lectin free diet is expensive because it requires specialty milks, pasture-raised meats and other items grown under special situations.  

Foods to eat

Let’s consider the foods that a person could eat for a lectin free diet.  According to Dr. Gundry, the following foods are low in lectins and they are very healthy:

  • pasture-raised meats
  • A2 milk
  • cooked sweet potatoes
  • leafy, green vegetables
  • cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts
  • asparagus
  • garlic and onions
  • celery
  • mushrooms
  • avocado
  • olives or extra virgin olive oil

According to Dr. Gundry, people should limit (not totally avoid) the following foods when trying to avoid lectins:

  • legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, and raw peanuts
  • squash
  • nightshade vegetables, such as eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes
  • fruit eaten out of season, which is still allowed in moderation
  • grains

Dr. Gundry recommends completely avoiding the following foods:

  • corn (especially GMO corn, which includes almost all corn)
  • meat from corn-fed animals
  • A1 milk


Lectins may be harmful, but other research does exist which demonstrates that when food is cooked well, particularly when it is prepared with high temperatures, the lectins are reduced to almost nil.   Therefore, even though lectins can be harmful, a person only needs to prepare their food simply through cooking.  For example, eat roasted peanuts not raw peanuts.   Don’t eat potatoes daily but rather, eat in moderation.   While lectins may cause some damage, there is strong research to support the benefits of eating plant foods.   Many plants are high in lectins, but lectin levels can differ significantly between plant types and in the way that they are cooked. There are also many kinds of lectins, and some seem to be beneficial.  It is also important to remember that much of the research involving lectins has been via animals or test-tube studies.  Furthermore, many studies have looked at single lectins rather than how they act while in the foods that contain them.

Therefore, our recommendation is to be aware of lectins, but aside from that, it might not be right to totally avoid foods with lectins.   The available research does show lectins can be harmful, but remember, that is only for foods that are raw or not properly prepared.    It seems that caution and care are all that is needed here.   A ggod recommendation might be to suggest to everyone to strive to avoid processed foods as much as possible.   Seek to eat other foods in moderation and finally eat foods that are well cooked.  That is what most of us do anyway.      

Is Memory Foam Good for Your Health?

Is Memory Foam Good for Your Health?

This question is not about sleep only but includes the concern of air quality.   It is a fact that some memory foam includes chemicals that were meant to ensure inflammability but they also give off harmful vapors.   These harmful chemicals include such dangerous chemicals as formaldehyde, benzene, and naphthalene.   All three of these chemicals are very toxic.  Formaldehyde produces a highly toxic poison that can be absorbed through inhalation.  It can cause severe respiratory problems, skin irritations, dizziness and even suffocation.  This is according to a study conducted October 21, 2014. 

Aside from formaldehyde, there are memory foam products that include volatile organic compounds.   The legal consequences are severe for memory foam companies that claim their products are free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when they really aren’t.  Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are extremely hazardous. The EPA explains VOCs can cause nose and throat irritation, frequent headaches, nausea, and damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system.

Memory foam may contain isocyanates, which, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. Exposure to isocyanates can also lead to chest tightness and asthma.   We would encourage all our readers to avoid memory foam with isocyanates.   According to Yale University, continued exposure to isocyanates can lead to “regular asthma, and asthma attacks that are triggered in many environments, not just by isocyanate exposure.” Isocyanates are classified as potential human carcinogens.  

Chemicals from these memory foam products migrate through household air and dust, through vapors in the form of microscopic particles released every time the foam is impressed. The micro-particles are absorbed into ordinary house dust.  Infants and children then are exposed to absorption into their bodies.   Please use your purchasing dollars as votes to help rid our homes of these toxic chemicals.

To produce memory foam, all that is needed according to Wikipedia is polyurethane,and a few chemicals to increase viscosity and density.   The problem is that toxic chemicals have been added that are harmful, toxic and dangerous.   Sometimes Memory foam mattresses contain chemical flame retardants which have been linked to a litany of health problems, including developmental brain disorders, cancer, and obesity.   An alternative would have been to add organic wool, a natural ingredient, that is flame resistant and it works well to provide an airy cushioning for the top of the mattress but somehow it is never used.

Given all these possibly harmful ingredients, what are the possible side effects and symptoms.   So far no complete studies have been conducted. Nevertheless, people have complained about waking in the morning with headaches,  respiratory issues, and even asthma.  What may be devastating  are the unknown effects that could occur from years of nightly exposure to this material.  There are toxic free choices that allow consumers to avoid these damaging toxic chemicals.   We are posting links for memory foam mattresses that are free from these chemicals.   They are:

cert i-pure mattresses 

http://<iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//”> </iframe>

prima sleep multi layered memory foam

http://<iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//”> </iframe>attress

Millard Memory Foam crib mattresses

http://<iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//”> </iframe>

Bed Boss memory foam mattresses

http://<iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//”> </iframe>

GMO Can be Risky!

GMO Can be Risky!

Pigs eating GMO corn

Choose Non GMO Foods

GMO means genetically modified organisms. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are new never-before-created novel organisms, which were engineered and/or created in laboratories and not created by God.   These GMO created plants are made using special non-natural gene modification techniques.   Scientists, consumer groups, and environmental groups have published many health and environmental concerns, damage issues and health risks that are a direct result of foods containing GMOs.   As a result, many people in the United States and around the world, are demanding “non-GMO” foods.

Genetically modified foods

Consider how genetic modified or engineered food is produced.   Scientists remove genes from the natural foods and replace them with genes from animals such as bacterium, viruses, animals, and other plants.   They then take these modified genes and recombine them to the DNA string of the original plant that they want to alter.    Scientists do this in hopes of creating plants that have special characteristics such as being able to produce their own pesticides or being able to be modified with more appealing characteristics such as being larger, sweater, improved shapes and sizes and easier for food processing and packaging.   For example, genetic scientists have taken genes from a bacterium known as Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) and placed them into the DNA of corn.  Unnatural Bt genes produce a protein that kills insects, and which allows the corn to have a natural ability to produce its own pesticide.

Health Hazards of GM Foods

Below are several documented findings showing health dangers from GM foods.

Rats fed Monsanto’s GM corn NK603 and tiny trace amounts of Roundup herbicide over a two-year period (the longest ever feeding study involving a GM food) developed severe liver and kidney damage, and disrupts pituitary gland function, and hormonal function.  Additional findings included increased rates of large tumors and premature deaths. The study was first published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology but was later retracted due to pressure by pro-GMO scientists and groups. It was later republished in Environmental Sciences Europe.

A study found that pigs fed GM corn and soy over 22.7 weeks, suffered more severe stomach inflammation than pigs fed a non-GMO diet.  GM-fed female pigs had on average a 25% heavier uterus than non-GM-fed female pigs, which is a possible indication of disease that requires further investigation.

Rats fed the GM Bt corn MON810 for 45 and 91 days showed differences in body organ size and body weights and in blood biochemistry, compared with rats fed a non-GMO variety grown side-by-side in the same conditions. The authors suggested that the differences and changes in the animal bodies could indicate “potential adverse health/toxic effects,” which needed further investigation.

Mice fed a diet of GM Bt potatoes showed abnormalities in the cells and structures of the small intestine, indicating mild damage to the intestines. A control group of mice fed non-GMO potatoes containing a naturally occurring Bt toxin showed no abnormalities. The test shows that the Bt toxin does not break down during digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

A study conducted in Canada detected significant levels of the insecticidal Bt corn protein, Cry1Ab, circulating in the blood of pregnant women and in the blood supply to unborn fetuses. Again, this is another study that shows that the Bt toxin does not break down in digestion, as GMO scientists and proponents claim.

Side Effects of GM Crops

According to a study published by published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook, GM crops have increased overall pesticide use by 404 million pounds from 1996 through 2011.

The widespread use of glyphosate herbicide used with herbicide tolerant GM corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton has led to the creation of herbicide resistant weeds, which now has infested 60 millions of acres of farmland throughout the United States.

A 2007 published study by an Indiana University environmental science professor, found that GM corn caused increased mortality and reduced growth in caddis flies, aquatic insects that are a food resource for higher organisms like fish and amphibians.

Genetically modified crops are passing their modified genes to organic and non-GMO crops.  This has caused frustration and hardship on farmers trying to maintain Organic status for their crops.   The risks and effects of GMO contamination has unfairly burdened organic farmers with extra work, longer hours, and financial insecurity.

Potentially dangerous Technology

One of the main problems with genetic engineering is that the process of inserting genes into the DNA of a food plant is not precise.   Scientists inject the gene, but they cannot guarantee where the gene will go.   It could combine with the original DNA in ways that have not been considered and which could cause unforeseen damage.   Then that plant may somehow be crossbred with other natural plants in ways that are unforeseen and that eventually cause tremendous damage to all life.  New plants can suddenly arise with new proteins and with new ways of disrupting life as we know it.   This potential for out of control adaptations of life is much worse than is evolution, because it is not the natural adaptation, but a completely unnatural adaptation with totally unpredicted and unknown results.   This can disrupt the functioning of other genes and produce a cross of genes that have never been in the food supply and which could be totally toxic to people.   Furthermore, it could create food with unheard of allergens that cannot be dealt with by the human body.

Genetic modification is based on an obsolete scientific theory

Genetic modification is based on a theory called the Central Dogma, which asserts that one gene will express only one protein.  However, scientists working with the United States National Human Genome Research Institute discovered that this wasn’t true, that genes operate in a complex network in ways that are not fully understood. This finding undermines the entire basis for genetic engineering and the effects of changing genes is more complex than scientists were ever aware of.

Genetically modified crops in the US?

  • Corn (includes derivatives such as high fructose corn syrup)
  • Soybeans (fake chicken nuggets etc.)
  • Cotton
  • Canola
  • Sugar beets (most sugar comes from sugar beets)
  • Alfalfa
  • Papaya
  • Yellow “crook neck” squash
  • Zucchini
  • “Arctic” apple
  • “Innate” potato

rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)

Image result for images of Pigs eating gmo food

About 10% – 15% of cows in the US have been injected with a genetically modified bovine growth hormone called rBGH (rBST).   rBGH has such a negative reputation that it has been banned in many countries.   rBGH has been banned mainly because of the negative health impacts on cows.  It was so bad, that in the US, major food retailers and restaurants such as Wal-Mart, Safeway, Starbucks, and McDonald’s have now refused to sell products that include milk produced with rBGH.

Would you like to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods.

  1. Avoid processed foods containing ingredients from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, and cotton.
    More than 70% of processed foods found in retail stores and restaurants contain ingredients derived from Genetically engineered corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton. In addition, half the sugar used in food products comes from GM sugar beets.
  2. Look for Non-GMO or organic food products.
    Organic food products have gone through a rigorous verification program to minimize the risk of GMO contamination, giving you the best assurance that they are non-GMO. Buying organic foods also offers assurance against the risks of genetic engineering because GM substances are prohibited in organic production.
  3. Buy locally grown foods.
    There is nothing better than locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables. Buying local supports farmers and keeps food dollars in the community. Another option is a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, which you pay a membership fee to a local farmer and receive fresh organic produce throughout the growing season.
  4. Grow your own.
    Gardening is a great hobby, nourishing to the body, mind, and soil. You can also participate in urban agriculture projects that are sprouting nationwide.

Recommended Further Reading


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Vitamins and Mineral Supplements- beneficial?

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements- beneficial?

Vitamins good or not any difference

Do vitamins taken in pill form do a person any good.   No, Say Scientists. Popping vitamins and mineral supplements may make you feel like you are doing something good for yourself, but they actually bring few health benefits and could even do harm, say researchers.   Despite that, there is some research that indicate that Folic acid and B-vitamins were associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke cited in a recent study dated May 29, 2018.   Other than that, there does not seem to be much evidence of any other benefits.   In every other regard, popping vitamins and mineral supplements does not seem to do any good and may even cause harm, say a team of researchers in Canada.  These same researchers and other researchers have been trying to determine whether common supplements such as multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin C would provide protection against heart disease, heart attack, stroke or premature death.  Again The answer was – not significantly or no measurable benefit.

In some older studies, Folic acid and B-vitamins were associated with a reduced risk for heart disease and stroke, but the evidence was insignificant.   However, niacin and antioxidants were linked to a very small increase in the risk for “all-cause mortality” (the term used to describe all of the deaths that occur in a group of people, regardless of the cause).

The study’s lead author, Dr. David Jenkins of St. Michael’s Hospital at the University of Toronto, said in a statement: “We were surprised to find so few positive effects for the most common supplements that people consume.”  While the review found that taking multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, or vitamin C do no harm, there is no evidence that they do any one any good.

Recently, significant data has shown that it is much more beneficial to rely on a healthy diet and healthy food to get your body’s needed vitamins, minerals and trace elements.   So far nothing has proven to be better than plant foods that are less processed such as fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Parabens and Sulfates

Parabens and Sulfates

where to get Paraben and sulfate free shampoo.

Image result for images of parabens, sulfates

Parabens mimic the same functions as the hormone estrogen and have a strong relationship to breast cancer and have been found in breast cancer tumors.    

Sulfates have been found to break down proteins, which is the single most important ingredient in the body.   This breaking down of proteins results in a degenerative effect on the human body.   This degenerative affect is especially bad for cell membranes. 

Additionally, sulfates were found in the build-up residues found in the veins, arteries and heart.    This is odd, because parabens and sulfates are only used in products that are applied to the outside of the body such as lotions, shampoos, body washes, lipsticks, and deodorants.   It is occasionally found in toothpaste.   This information tells us that parabens and sulfates can penetrate the skin and enter the body’s blood system.   They are then able to affect the body with a buildup like an estrogen buildup, which is known to cause breast cancer.     It does not appear that the body can easily prevent this kind of inner pollution.

Parabens and sulfates do provide excellent cleaning of the hair.   However, they also dry the hair and the scalp.   They cause itchiness and induce scratching.  For this reason, many producers of body products have begun replacing parabens and sulfates with other chemicals that have been shown to be even worse.   Therefore, we recommend that you use shampoos, lipsticks, and lotions that have replaced parabens and sulfates with vegetable and fruit cleansing elements/ingredients.

Cancerous or not?

Though there are no scientific studies that exist to prove a direct relationship between parabens and sulfates and various types of cancers, there are many claims of harmful side effects.  For example there is evidence of parabens and sulfates being found in cancerous tumors and in the slime buildup in the cardiovascular system, which seems alarming by itself.  Sulfates can cause a dulling effect of the color of your hair.   They can cause a thinning out of your hair as well and in some cases they can cause baldness.   Though it cannot be proven that sulfates and Parabens cause cancer, you still might want to worry about the other negative effects and take the “better safe than sorry” approach.  It may not be wise to wait for research and science to prove the damage that is caused by parabens and sulfates.

To determine if your products contain parabens look for ingredients with the base word of paraben such as “butylparaben” or “methylparaben”.   Look for items such as benzoates or alkyl Para hydroxy, which are other names for parabens.

Sulfates are easier to identify.    If you are using a shampoo or bodywash that lathers up, it most likely has sulfates in it.   Sulfates cause foam and lather.  

What are Parabens and Sulfates

Parabens are chemicals that help prevent the growth of bacteria and has been used in lotions, shampoos, body washes, and deodorants since the 1950s.  

Sulfates are cleaning agents that produce foam and cleaning actions.   Technically, a sulfate is a salt that consists of a sulfur atom which has a molecule of four oxygen atoms, and one other counter ion.  They are often used in toothpaste, along with the shampoos, deodorants, and body washes.   Again, the worst thing about sulfates are that they break down proteins, which are the single most important building block of the human body.  They cause the breakdown of the membranes in cell structure.   They cause the dryness and irritations of the scalp and hair.  They cause the fading of the hair color and they cause hair loss.   Sulfates are a chemical that can build up in your hair and for this reason they can cause a reduction of the natural oils in the hair and skin.

Use in moderation

Our recommendation is that you should switch between several brands particularly between shampoos, lipsticks and deodorants that contain parabens and sulfates.     Try switching to every other day of using paraben-based products with non-paraben products.

We would also suggest that you watch for skin problems at the back of your head at or near the hair line.   Watch for acne type problems on your scalp inside the hair.   Simply be careful and moderate your use of paraben and sulfate-based products.

Paraben, sulfate and silicon free shampoo and conditioner
Paraben, sulfate, and silicon free deodorants

Paraben, sulfate, and silicon free body wash

Why Do you Need Protein?

Why Do you Need Protein?

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If someone asked you what is the most important nutrient that you can take for your body, what would you say?   Let’s hope that you, and everyone else, knows that protein is the most important by far.   Protein is what your muscles, tendons and tissues are made of.  Your heart would stop without it.   Maybe the question that we should ask is “how much of the other stuff should we eat with our protein?”   We could phrase it another way, “what percentage of our meal should be protein and what percentage should be all the other nutrients?”   That is a question that is being asked regularly as the Ketogenic diet is making a greater move on the world scene.

When it comes to how much of the body is made of proteins, it’s hard to say.   We all know that muscle weighs about 8 times as much as fat.   For a person with an immense amount of muscle, a greater amount of protein is needed to maintain that muscle mass.   If someone else has a smaller amount of muscle mass, they would require less protein for the constant rebuilding and repairing of the body’s muscle cells.   Muscles move the food through the intestines, and the blood through the circulation system, and without these processes you would die.  If you think about all that the muscles do, you come to realize that you must take care of your muscles and tissue.   The lean body mass is basically the body without fat.   Take a way the bone weight and you have the part of the body that is dependent on proteins.   Therefore, let’s start with what we would consider our goal weight or our lean body mass.   Let’s decide how much protein is needed to repair all the muscles and  tissue for that much lean body mass.    Some scientists say that you should have 0.7 grams of protein per pound while others say 0.8 grams per  pound.   For weight gaining programs, they say you should have 1.0 grams of protein per pound.   From this information we could assume that an average amount, say around  0.75 grams per pound would be the right amount.    Therefore, if you weighed 100 pounds as your ideal weight, you would need 75 grams of protein per day.   The last word though is that there are many studies about how much protein we should be consuming.   The problems is that they all recommend different amounts of protein per lean body weight.    Therefore, the protein suggestions can only be a starting point for each individual and all of us must decide for ourselves how much protein we should be eating.

Protein Intake per Day?

Few nutrients are as important as protein. If you don’t get enough through your diet, your health and body composition will suffer.   Despite the fact that all research shows that we need to eat protein, none of the research agrees on how much protein is the right amount per day.   The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound.  That is less than half of what other studies show.   Other suggestions say 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man and 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.   Though this meager amount may be enough to prevent downright deficiency, studies show that it’s far from sufficient to ensure optimal health and body composition.

It turns out that the right amount of protein for any one individual depends on many factors, including their activity level, age, muscle mass, physique goals and current state of health.

Proteins — What are They?

Proteins are the main building blocks of muscles, tendons, organs and skin, as well as enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and various tiny molecules that serve the body.   Without protein, life as you know it would not be possible.

Proteins are made out of smaller molecules called amino acids.   These amino acids form long protein chains, which are then folded into complex shapes.  Some of these amino acids can be produced by your body, while you get others through your diet. The latter are called essential amino acids.

Protein is not just about quantity but also quality.   Generally speaking, animal products provide all essential amino acids that your body needs.   This makes sense, as animal tissues are similar to your own tissues.  If you’re eating animal products like meat, fish, eggs, or dairy every day, you’re likely getting the right amount of protein already.   However, if you don’t eat animal protein, getting all the proteins and amino acids your body needs is a bit more challenging.   Most people do not need protein supplements,  but they are helpful for athletes, dieters and bodybuilders.   Protein supplements are not all made the same way, therefore, research your protein supplements and learn about their ingredients before you commit them to your diet.

Proteins Can Aid Weight Loss

Protein is very important when it comes to losing weight.   Most people know that to lose weight you must take in fewer calories than you burn.  It’s well supported by science that eating protein can cause you to burn more calories and at the same time, be satisfied with less food (less calories).   Protein at around 25–30% of total food intake, has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day while lowering total food intake.   Yet, probably the most important contribution of protein to weight loss is its ability to reduce appetite, or the desire to want to eat more.   Proteins keeps you feeling full much better than both fat and carbs.

One study in obese men, showed that protein at 25% or more of total calories, will cause them to feel full and will reduce their desire to eat more.   It will cut the desire to have late night snacks.    In another study, women who increased their protein intake to 30% of calories ended up eating 441 fewer calories per day and lost 11 pounds in 12 weeks.   This is from simply adding more protein to their diet.  You might say that proteins not only help you lose weight, they prevent you from gaining weight in the first place.  In another study, an increase in protein from 15% to 18% of total calories, the amount of fat regained after weight loss was reduced by 50%.  Eating more protein makes it much easier to stick to any weight loss diet, whether it is a high carb, low carb or something in something between diet.    According to research, an intake of 30% protein, is ideal for weight loss.   This is about 150 grams of protein per day on a 2000 calorie diet.

Gain Muscle and Strength

Muscles are largely made of protein as our most tissues in your body.  Muscles are dynamic and constantly being broken down and rebuilt.   To gain muscle, your body must process more protein than what is broken down by lifting weights or exercising.   In other words, you need to take in more protein than your regular muscle mass consumes if you want to build more muscle mass. It’s well documented that a higher protein intake helps build muscle and strength.  People who want to maintain muscle need to increase their protein intake when losing body fat, as this will help prevent losing muscle while losing weight during dieting.  

When it comes to muscle mass, studies usually don’t look at the percentage of calories you consume to determine the needed amount of protein, but instead they look at the daily grams of protein per your weight.   A common recommendation for gaining muscle is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, or 2.2 grams of protein per kg.  If you’re carrying a lot of body fat, you should use either your lean mass, or your goal weight, to determine how much protein you need.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

 Is it a super food?

Though there is a lack of research about whether or not Apple Cider Vinegar helps improve a person’s health. Studies are available that show weight loss, lower cholesterol, and lower blood sugar levels.    One study shows that between two groups of people, those taking two tablespoons of vinegar each day diluted in water, lost 1.98 to 7.48 pounds per month more than non-ACV dieters.     Another study found that the acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with olive Oil decreased the blood sugar response by 34% in adults.   A third study shows that for people with type 2 diabetes, two tablespoons of ACV with water, taken daily, decreased the blood sugar levels by 4% in just two days’ time.

Beyond the above claims, there are no verified data for other claims such as wart removal, fungus removal from toe nails and fingernails, skin rejuvenation and hair loss prevention.  

Apple Cider Vinegar Side effects

Side effects include one patient stating that he was nauseous while taking ACV.   Others have reported indigestion problems, throat irritations, low levels of body potassium.    The acid in ACV causes the throat irritations and can be remedied with ACV pills that are a dehydrated form of ACV.    The pills make it much easier to take ACV because they eliminate the terrible smell and taste.   The indigestion and nausea problems have not been verified or solved, but APV has a tendency to change the body’s ph levels.  Many researches suggest that lower doses of ACV would stop the nausea and digestive problems as it would not affect the ph levels. As for the erosion of tooth enamel, the ACV pills would eliminate that, but most likely so would smaller doses of ACV with water.   Perhaps one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with a glass of water would be enough to achieve weight loss without the side effects. 

Scientists suspect that compounds in liquid vinegar may decrease fat production and increase the ability of the body to assimilate sugars, all which lead to improved health.   No studies have proven that the same effects are achieved with the pill form.    However, the pill form would not hurt the enamel in teeth, nor would they cause the sore throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar benefits

If you’re looking to reap the possible benefits of apple cider vinegar, consuming the liquid form still may be your best bet. You can do this by diluting it with water to drink, adding it to salad dressings or mixing it into soups.   Since the FDA does not regulate food supplements, they do not verify the ingredients in ACV pills.   Already, the pill form in some companies and the percentage of ACV in each pill has been shown to be fraudulent.   Some even have other ingredients that are not listed on the label.  The sure way to know what you are getting is to take ACV straight with no added ingredients and mix it with water in a glass.    In this way the side effects are almost nil and you still get the verified results that have not yet been proven with the pill form.